> So we are four. :]
> Sorry about that Michael.
Don't be sorry because I haven't contributed for a while (even not for 
the site updating :-().
I sincerly hope that Jukka's request will find a skilled programmer 
interested in wms stuff.


> Landon
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Larry Becker <becker.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Don't forget Michaël, who probably commits more code updates than either of
>> us.
>> Larry
>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Sunburned Surveyor
>> <sunburned.surve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Jukka.
>>> It looks like programming of OJ is now being done by basically two
>>> people. One is Stefan, and the other is myself. We also have Larry
>>> contributing fixes, but some of the other SkyJUMP improvements still
>>> have to be ported by Stefan or myself.
>>> It is a small team, and my list of things to do for OJ is quite long.
>>> Our ability to respond to user requests is only going to degrade if we
>>> don't get more programmers involved at some point. Unless a feature
>>> request aligns nicely with an interest of Stefan, Larry, or myself, it
>>> probably isn't going to get done for a while.
>>> I hate to admit this, but honesty is the best policy.
>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Rahkonen Jukka
>>> <jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I can try to add the itch by saying that OJ could then have a better
>>>> GetFeatureInfo than QGIs, uDig and deeJUMP (funny mixture of small and
>>>> capital letters indeed).  None of them support selecting INFO_TYPE or
>>>> FEATURE_COUNT.  I am not sure if GvSIG does.
>>>> -Jukka-
>>>> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
>>>> Lähettäjä: Sunburned Surveyor [mailto:sunburned.surve...@gmail.com]
>>>> Lähetetty: ma 16.11.2009 18:58
>>>> Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
>>>> Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Adding WMS GetFeatureInfo into OJ?
>>>> Jukka,
>>>> You can add this as a feature request to the tracker on our
>>>> SourceForge page. It probably won't get implemented until a programmer
>>>> gets an itch to do something about it.
>>>> Landon
>>>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Rahkonen Jukka
>>>> <jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> It would be nice to be able to query WMS layers with GetFeatureInfo
>>>>> requests.  DeeJUMP has implemented this feature but I have understood
>>>>> that it is utilising deegree libraries. As a non-programmer I am
>>>>> thinking that adding this feature to the existing WMS part of OpenJUMP
>>>>> should not be extra difficult. The OGC standard text is here:
>>>>> http://cite.opengeospatial.org/OGCTestData/wms/1.1.1/spec/wms1.1.1.html#
>>>>> wmsops.getfeatureinfo
>>>>> What needs to be done for making GetFeatureInfo requests, starting from
>>>>> a situation of successfull WMS GetMap request and the returned image
>>>>> being in OJ map Window is about the following.
>>>>> 1. Get the service GetCapabilities document handy, let's say it is
>>>>> found
>>>>> here:
>>>>> http://myserver.fi/cgi-bin/WMS?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSI
>>>>> ON=1.1.1
>>>>> That is the initial query for using WMS get map so it is mostly
>>>>> implemented already but I will come back to this in section 3.
>>>>> 2. Take the WMS GetMap request as basis.  Let's say it is like this:
>>>>> http://myserver.fi/cgi-bin/WMS?REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&;
>>>>> WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400&LAYERS=parcels2008,parcels2009&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FOR
>>>>> MAT=image/png&BBOX=430000,6943000,430600,6943400&SRS=EPSG:3067&STYLES=
>>>>> 3. Read and parse the GetFeatureInfo part of the GetCapabilities
>>>>> document that was queried in step 1:
>>>>> <GetFeatureInfo>
>>>>>      <Format>text/plain</Format>
>>>>>      <Format>application/vnd.ogc.gml</Format>
>>>>>      <DCPType>
>>>>>        <HTTP>
>>>>>          <Get><OnlineResource
>>>>> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
>>>>> xlink:href="http://myserver.fi/cgi-bin/WMS?"/></Get>
>>>>>          <Post><OnlineResource
>>>>> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
>>>>> xlink:href="http://myserver.fi/cgi-bin/WMS?"/></Post>
>>>>>        </HTTP>
>>>>>      </DCPType>
>>>>>    </GetFeatureInfo>
>>>>> 4. Build the GetFeatureInfo query from the following components:
>>>>> a) Base url from step 3
>>>>> http://myserver.fi/cgi-bin/WMS?
>>>>> This online resource is usually the same that is used for
>>>>> GetCapabilities but according to the standard it may be something else,
>>>>> so the correct way would be to read and interpret the document.
>>>>> b) Version number of GetFeatureInfo request, I suppose it can always be
>>>>> the same that has been used for GetCapabilities and GetMap
>>>>> VERSION=1.1.1
>>>>> c) Request name
>>>>> &REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo
>>>>> d) copy of the main part of GetMap request from the step 2
>>>>> &SERVICE=WMS&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400&LAYERS=parcels2008,parcels2009&TRANSPA
>>>>> RENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image/png&BBOX=430000,6943000,430600,6943400&SRS=EPSG:3
>>>>> 067&STYLES=
>>>>> So it is the whole GetMap request exept base url, version and request.
>>>>> d) Add QUERY_LAYERS parameter.  Standard says: This parameter shall
>>>>> contain at least one layer name, but may contain fewer layers than the
>>>>> original GetMap request. To make things a bit more simple I think it
>>>>> could always contain all the layers from the original GetMap request.
>>>>> e) Add INFO_FORMAT parameter.  It is optional, but without giving it
>>>>> server returns its default format and standard does not say what it
>>>>> should be so perhaps it would be better if WMS client ask for a certain
>>>>> format. Possible values are listed in GetFeatureInfo report in step 3.
>>>>> f) Add FEATURE_COUNT parameter. It is optional but it is good to have,
>>>>> because the default is 1 and that gives, for example, feature info of
>>>>> just one of the overlapping polygons which are queried.
>>>>> g) Add X and Y which are the pixel coordinates of the point that is
>>>>> clicken on a map.
>>>>> h) EXCEPTIONS parameter is optional and only supported value seems to
>>>>> be
>>>>> "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" so there is no need to include it.
>>>>> When everything is put together the request should look like this:
>>>>> http://myserver.fi/cgi-bin/WMS?VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&SERV
>>>>> ICE=WMS&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400&LAYERS=parcels2008,parcels2009&TRANSPARENT=
>>>>> TRUE&FORMAT=image/png&BBOX=430000,6943000,430600,6943400&SRS=EPSG:3067&S
>>>>> TYLES=&QUERY_LAYERS=parcels2008,parcels2009&INFO_FORMAT=text/plain&FEATU
>>>>> RE_COUNT=100&X=162&Y=225
>>>>> This was the request part, another part would be to make OJ to parse
>>>>> what is sent back from WMS server.  Standard does not order which
>>>>> formats must of should be supported, but most common are propably
>>>>> text/plain, text/html and INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml which is
>>>>> returning gml.
>>>>> Well, after writing all this I believe it is not necessarily so simple
>>>>> to implement.
>>>>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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>> --
>> Larry Becker
>> Integrated Systems Analysts, Inc.
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