Hi Luca,
> - postgis plugin doesn't support 3D (also shptopgsql doesn't) I need OGR for 
> it.
Just want to mention that with the datastore query tool, you can get 3D 
objects from postgis by querying
select asewkb(geometry) instead of asbinary(geometry)
> - some tool like move geometry drops Z
I did not notice that. May be you could fill a bug report
> I'd like to make a revision on code for some of them.  Someone is
> already working on these aspects?
Not that much, but I'm also concerned with 3D geometries and I 
developped some plugins for error detection (z values, slope...)

> luca
> luca marletta
> www.beopen.it
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Nils Kuhn <nils.k...@bws-gmbh.de> wrote:
>> Hi Luca,
>> here is another example:
>> public boolean execute(PlugInContext context) throws Exception{
>>         this.reportNothingToUndoYet(context);
>>         Layer lyr=context.getLayerManager().getLayer("yourLayerName");
>>         //getting the ColorThemingStyle from the layer
>>         ColorThemingStyle colorThemingStyle = ColorThemingStyle.get(lyr);
>>         //defining the field on which the ColorThemingStyle is based
>>       colorThemingStyle.setAttributeName("yourFieldName");
>>       //creating an invisible BasicStyle and making it the DefaultStyle of
>> the ColorThemingStyle
>>       BasicStyle defStyle = new BasicStyle();
>>       defStyle.setAlpha(255);
>>       colorThemingStyle.setDefaultStyle(defStyle);
>>       //as an example creating some BasicStyles
>>       BasicStyle basStyle1 = new BasicStyle();
>>       basStyle1.setFillColor(new Color(255,255,153));
>>       basStyle1.setLineColor(new Color(178,178,107));
>>       basStyle1.setLineWidth(1);
>>       BasicStyle basStyle2 = new BasicStyle();
>>       basStyle2.setFillColor(new Color(255,99,75));
>>       basStyle2.setLineColor(new Color(178,69,52));
>>       basStyle2.setLineWidth(1);
>>       BasicStyle basStyle3 = new BasicStyle();
>>       basStyle3.setFillColor(new Color(127,201,127));
>>       basStyle3.setLineColor(new Color(88,140,88));
>>       basStyle3.setLineWidth(1);
>>       BasicStyle basStyle4 = new BasicStyle();
>>       basStyle4.setFillColor(new Color(0,153,0));
>>       basStyle4.setLineColor(new Color(0,107,0));
>>       basStyle4.setLineWidth(1);;
>> basStyle4.setFillPattern(WKTFillPattern.createVerticalHorizontalStripePattern(2,
>> 2, false, true));
>>       basStyle4.setRenderingFillPattern(true);
>>       BasicStyle basStyle6 = new BasicStyle();
>>       basStyle6.setFillColor(new Color(0,0,0));
>>       basStyle6.setLineColor(new Color(0,0,0));
>>       basStyle6.setLineWidth(1);
>>       basStyle6.setFillPattern(WKTFillPattern.createDiagonalStripePattern(2,
>> 2, true, false));
>>       basStyle6.setRenderingFillPattern(true);
>>       //creating a HashMap and making it the AttributeValueToBasicStyleMap
>> of the ColorThemingStyle
>>       //(referencing the values in the field set above to a BasicStyle)
>>       HashMap<Integer,BasicStyle> attributeToStyleMap = new
>> HashMap<Integer,BasicStyle>();
>>         attributeToStyleMap.put(1, basStyle1);
>>         attributeToStyleMap.put(2, basStyle2);
>>         attributeToStyleMap.put(3, basStyle3);
>>         attributeToStyleMap.put(4, basStyle4);
>>         attributeToStyleMap.put(6, basStyle6);
>> colorThemingStyle.setAttributeValueToBasicStyleMap(attributeToStyleMap);
>>       //creating a HashMap and making it the AttributeValueToLabelMap of the
>> ColorThemingStyle
>>       //(referencing the values in the field set above to a Label)
>>       HashMap<Integer,String> attributeToLabelMap = new
>> HashMap<Integer,String>();
>>       attributeToLabelMap.put(1, "firstLabel");
>>       attributeToLabelMap.put(2, "secondLabel");
>>       attributeToLabelMap.put(3, "thirdLabel");
>>       attributeToLabelMap.put(4, "fourthLabel");
>>       attributeToLabelMap.put(6, "fifthLabel");
>>       colorThemingStyle.setAttributeValueToLabelMap(attributeToLabelMap);
>>       //disable the BasicStyle and enable the ColorThemingStyle of the layer
>>       colorThemingStyle.setEnabled(true);
>>       lyr.getBasicStyle().setEnabled(false);
>>       lyr.fireAppearanceChanged();
>>       bolRueck=true;
>> }
>> Larry Becker schrieb:
>> Here is an example:
>>    public boolean execute(final PlugInContext context) throws Exception
>>     {
>>         reportNothingToUndoYet(context);
>>         new CopySelectedItemsPlugIn().execute(context);
>>         Layer[] selectedLayers =
>> context.getLayerNamePanel().getSelectedLayers();
>>         FeatureSchema featureSchema = new FeatureSchema();
>>             featureSchema.addAttribute("GEOMETRY", AttributeType.GEOMETRY);
>>         featureSchema.addAttribute(LAYER, AttributeType.STRING);
>>         //add all attributes from selected layers
>>         for (int i=0; i<selectedLayers.length; i++) {
>>             FeatureSchema schema =
>> selectedLayers[i].getFeatureCollectionWrapper()
>>                 .getFeatureSchema();
>>             for (int j=0; j<schema.getAttributeCount(); j++) {
>>                 String name = schema.getAttributeName(j);
>>                 if (!featureSchema.hasAttribute(name)) {
>>                     featureSchema.addAttribute(name,
>> schema.getAttributeType(name));
>>                 } else if (schema.getAttributeType(name)
>>                         != featureSchema.getAttributeType(name)) {
>>                     featureSchema.addAttribute(name
>> +getAttributeTypeChar(schema.getAttributeType(name)),
>>                             schema.getAttributeType(name));
>>                 }
>>             }
>>         }
>>         FeatureDataset featureDataset = new FeatureDataset(featureSchema);
>>         Collection selectedCategories =
>> context.getLayerNamePanel().getSelectedCategories();
>>         Layer newLayer = context.addLayer(selectedCategories.isEmpty()
>>             ? StandardCategoryNames.RESULT
>>             : selectedCategories.iterator().next().toString(), "Combined",
>>             featureDataset);
>>         newLayer.setFeatureCollectionModified(true).setEditable(true);
>>         Map attributeToStyleMap = new HashMap();
>>         ColorScheme colorScheme = ColorScheme.create("Set 3
>> (ColorBrewer)");
>>         for (int i=0; i<selectedLayers.length; i++) {
>>             Layer layer = selectedLayers[i];
>>             Collection features =
>> layer.getFeatureCollectionWrapper().getFeatures();
>>             newLayer.getFeatureCollectionWrapper().addAll(
>>                     conform(features,featureSchema, layer.getName()));
>>             attributeToStyleMap.put(layer.getName(), new
>> BasicStyle(colorScheme.next()));
>>         }
>>         newLayer.getBasicStyle().setEnabled(false);
>>         ColorThemingStyle themeStyle = new ColorThemingStyle(LAYER,
>> attributeToStyleMap, new BasicStyle(Color.gray));
>>         themeStyle.setEnabled(true);
>>         newLayer.addStyle(themeStyle);
>>         ColorThemingStyle.get(newLayer).setEnabled(true);
>>         newLayer.removeStyle(ColorThemingStyle.get(newLayer));
>>         ColorThemingStyle.get(newLayer).setEnabled(true);
>>         newLayer.getBasicStyle().setEnabled(false);
>>         return true;
>>     }
>> regards,
>> Larry
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:54 AM, luca marletta <lucama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> first tanks for the new openjump 1.3.1!!
>>> This my question:
>>> Can some one give me an suggestion which way I can apply a color
>>> scheme for each feature based on a field. I mean the same effect that
>>> from theme panel but programmaticaly.
>>> I'm working on a plugin for check polygon and I'd like to see the
>>> result immediately by colors.
>>> I need an indication for some class or some piece of code.
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> luca
>>> luca marletta
>>> www.beopen.it
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>> --
>> Larry Becker
>> Integrated Systems Analysts, Inc.
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>> Dipl.-Biol. Nils Kuhn
>> Email: nils.k...@bws-gmbh.de
>> Fon: +49 (0)40 - 23 16 65-26
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