Stefan, Peppe and all,

I've always looked at the Sextante extension with interest, considering the vast amount of tools it includes. But to be honest, I haven't had the chance to study it thoroughly.

I see that OpenJUMP can already open "Sextante Raster Images", including TIFF images. I think though we should extend image support to other formats, such as ASCII GRID. I'm not an experienced programmer or designer either, but what I'd really like to achieve is a product where the raster reading capability is an independent sub-system, where support for different formats can be added. Regardless from the input format, every raster would be translated into a vector grid (as you suggested), and this grid would be used by every tool working on the raster itself. Do you think this could be accomplished building upon Sextante? All the plug-ins we've written could be easily tuned to accept vector grids as inputs in place of the Floating Point grids they need now. And one more question: if Sextante is "ported" to OpenJUMP, what happens when new versions of Sextante are released? Would it be needed to do the porting again?

With regards to raster symbology, we've already got some code to handle ramps and coloring by intervals.

About internationalization, thank you Peppe for your offer for help. As soon as I have some time to dedicate to it I'll make sure you get some work to do! ;)


On 06/02/2010 03:00, Stefan Steiniger wrote:
Hei all,

I actually asked a couple of months ago if other people would accept if
I commit the basic Raster classes used in Sextante. There was not much
exitement/repsonse ;) However, I still think it would be a good idea, so
we could with low efforts use/adapt Sextante raster functions. So far
Sextante uses the Pirol Image plugin which is based on a buffered image.
As my current interest is on raster analysis I am open for that.

So Alberto:
Would the Sextante interface/classes work for you too? If you want I
could make a new OpenJUMP branch so you can check what I have copied
over [by now all is local].
Unfortunately I am not a good programmer nor exprienced designer, but I
found the raster implementation used in Sextante quite interesting as it
allows easy access and manipulation of rasters. However, some display
stuff on OJ's side need improvement (i.e. a grey code look-up-table)

And yes, I also wished I could see what pixel has what value - so I
programmed a plugin which generates a vector grid out of the raster.
However, Erwan programmed once a cursor tool which can display pixel
values (I think the sources are in the OrbisGIS repository for the ASCII
grid reader).

so let me know if you think that we should build on the Sextante design
as well (also with respect to all their algorithms).


Larry Becker schrieb:
     once the raster
     is loaded, and "translated" into an RGB image to be shown in AdB, it
     loses the actual pixel data information (it's just an RGB image). We
     think that a step forward would be to load the raster values into an
     array to be kept in memory, whose values could be used by any plug in or
     tool that needs them.

I think it would be possible to create an adapter class that uses the
existing layer dataset drivers to return an accessible data structure of
that layer's pixels, probably in a buffered image.


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 5:21 AM, Alberto De Luca
<<>>  wrote:

     Hello everyone.

     As a member of the team who has been working on AdB-ToolBox in the last
     months, I'd like to address a couple of issues regarding its future
     developments: internationalization, raster management and platform
     independence. By the way, AdB-ToolBox is a piece of software, part of
     the JUMP family, whose development was originally funded by the Italian
     ministry for the environment. Their goal was to expand OpenJUMP
     features, by adding raster handling capabilities and tools specialized
     for hydrological and geomorphological analysis.

     First of all: internationalization. We are aware that the Italian-only
     interface of AdB-ToolBox has been annoying for some of you.
     Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we couldn't afford to add
     international support in the first instance. Nevertheless, we plan to
     translate interfaces to English in the near future.

     Second: raster management. AdB-ToolBox can open and visualize several
     raster formats (ASCII grid, ESRI grid, ESRI floating point grid), but
     the various plug ins only accept the ESRI floating point grid as their
     input (and output) format. This was quite convenient from a developer's
     perspective, but not as good from a user's perspective. Ideally, every
     plug in needing a raster layer among its inputs, should be able to use
     every raster format that OJ can open and visualize. In other terms, the
     reading capability should be part of OJ only and, once opened, a raster
     should be passed to the plug ins as an object (just like now we can pass
     an instance of the Layer class). Presently, every plug in that needs a
     raster as an input, has to reload it from scratch, regardless the raster
     being already loaded in AdB. This is a limit of the current
     implementation of the class managing the raster layers: once the raster
     is loaded, and "translated" into an RGB image to be shown in AdB, it
     loses the actual pixel data information (it's just an RGB image). We
     think that a step forward would be to load the raster values into an
     array to be kept in memory, whose values could be used by any plug in or
     tool that needs them.
     In any case, raster support cannot be an independent plug in, but must
     be made part of OJ, so that raster layers can be managed inside projects
     and queried with the standard "info tool".

     Third: platform independence. Many of the AdB-ToolBox plug ins still
     need DLLs. But their number is decreasing over time, as we gradually
     port parts of software from Fortran to Java. Presently (AdB-ToolBox
     version 1.6), there are already 2 (out of 5) AdB-ToolBox extensions that
     are DLL-free, one dedicated to topographic analyses (contour lines and
     sections extraction...) and the other including some raster tools (a
     raster calculator, zonal statistics, and many others). We plan to keep
     porting code to Java, but some plug ins (the ones that are too specific
     or too complex) will be left out, due to resources limitations.

     Now, I think the raster management issue is probably the one needing
     more attention, planning, discussion, and collaboration!

     Thanks for your your interest in AdB-ToolBox

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