Hi ss

Are we certain that the problem was caused by bad features? If so QC would
find them.


On Jul 12, 2010 12:54 PM, "Sunburned Surveyor" <sunburned.surve...@gmail.com>

Back on November 5, 2009 Nacho let us know about a problem with the
UnionByAttribute plug-in. It was throwing an exception with Nacho's
data. I couldn't help Nacho track down the problem because the
exception didn't tell us what feature was causing the exception. I
told him I would see about giving the plug-in the ability to report
the bad feature to assist with troubleshooting. That was the first
item on my todo list for work in preparation of the next OpenJUMP
release. I'm starting to work on those tasks this week.

It seems like it would be helpful to have a standard way for plug-ins
that operate on features or feature geometry to report the "bad
features" that cause problems, especially those that result in
exceptions that kill plug-in execution. I need to add this
functionality to the UnionByAttribute plug-in, so I wanted to (1) see
if we have an existing way to do this, and (2) propose a standard way
for plug-in developers to do this that we could discuss a group if no
solution exists.

Let me know if you have already implemented a standard way of
reporting bad feature data in your own plug-ins that I can imitate.

I attached an interface for a BadFeatureDataReporter. It has one
important method that allows the plug-in to submit a list of bad
features. We could implement this interface with a reporter that wrote
out the bad feature to a default shapefile (or at least the feature
geometry to a well known text file) and then uses the workbench to
warn the user that there was a problem. We could then make the default
reporter available through the plug-in context or maybe the Registry.

I'm thinking if I find a bad feature when processing data in the
UnionByAttribute plug-in that I should skip it and continue processing
after reporting. That seems a little more robust than ignoring the
rest of the selection after the bad feature is encountered.

Thanks for any feedback.

The Sunburned Surveyor

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