I am proud to present the next release candidates for the extensions gps and 
Download here:

Gps extension supports only serial devices. If you want gps to transform the 
gps receiver's coordinates to another cs additionally install cts extension and 
add the WKT strings for the used reference systems to lib/ext/cts/cs.conf .
"Add coordinate to layer or feature" lets you add a new Point to a layer or 
adds a new point to the end of an existing geometry (converted to linestring).
"Insert coordinate to closest segment" will insert the current coordinate to 
the closest segment (side) of the selected geometry.

As always any feedback is welcome. Any testing will help to ensure that the 
final release will be as flawless as possible.

kind regards ede

Changes are:

gps 0.2rc2
(done) rxtx iterate over subfolders and use the 
        first word of the os name for checking e.g. mac,windows,linux
(done) rename "set task" to "select project to track"
        "add point" to "Add coordinate to layer or feature"
        "insert points" to "Insert coordinate to closest segment"
(done) reinstate cts projection support
(done) fix error message: "Found no serial ports. "

cts 0.2rc1
(fix) find cs.conf although path contains spaces
(done) reworked to use ExtClassLoader, moved libs to ext/cts/

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