
there is a bug with Change Styles>Labels in OJ 1.4:

1. Draw a polygon.
2. Label the polygon with Change Styles>Labels
The ComboBox for Vertical alignment (for points and lines)
shows Above Line
3. The text is *outside* of the polygon
(In older versions of OJ it is inside!)

4. Change Vertical alignment... to "On line"
The text is now inside the polygon.
(By the way the word line starts with small letters
but Above Line and Below Line starts with capital letters).

5. Switch to Change Styles>Rendering.
6. Switch back to Labels
and the Vertical alignment switched to Above Line
and the text of the polygon is *outside* again!

The Labels-Tool does not remember the last choise
and the Vertical alignment works also with polygons
so my old project was wrong labeld
(The text stood outside)!



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