Finally I got tempted to publish my own version of openjump

JUFRE (read juf-fréh) comes from JUmp Family REunion. It is basically clone of 
OpenJUMP 1.4.1 alpha ( with modifications and 
PlugIns derived from SkyJUMP (, Kosmo 
SAIG ( and OpenJUMP the Merge.

I put on my web space here:


This are the modifications from OJ 1.4.1

----- Version 0.1 (04/15/2011) ------

PlugIn Structure
- Move back many plugIns to original JumpConfiguration file organization

ICON Modification
- Add Farmfarm icons

Layer and Category Tree Modification
- Moved all Style menus to "Symbology submenu"

Modification on External PlugIns
- Translate CTSPlugIn of Edgar Soldin into Italian (project to internationalize 
- Recompiled CadPlann Point Style plugin. Now added in "Symbology" menu

----- Version 0.2 (05/24/2011) ------

Editing Toolbox Modification
- add "Fence Tool" ( and removed it from Toolbar). New Icons for Tool and 
CursorTool for Fence
- add ISA plugIn (TextBlock) to Editing Toolbox
- removed "Select Line" tool from Editing Toolbox
- Add MergePolygon Tool from OpenJUMP the Merge

Menu Modifications
- Add SaveAllDataset following SkyJUMP type
- Add Scripting Menu (for Beanshell, BeanTools and Jython)
- Re-arranged Layer and Modify menus
- Eliminate Configuration Menu (EZButtons and Option Menus now are in submenu 
- Eliminate Raster Menu (redistribute between Tool menu and Raster tree menu)
- removed "Arrange Categories" menus
- add on Windows menu: Distribute Horizontally, Vertically, Cascade, Arrange 
Windows from Kosmo 2
- Add Database submenu in Tool one - moved all datastore tools here
- New Tool>Fence submenu: a container with all Fence tools
- Reorganized Tool menu: moved all tool connected to Spatial Analysis to 
"Analysis" menu, Moved Warp tools to Modify Geometry" menu

ToolBar Modification
- Add ZoomToScale and ZoomToCoordinate tools
- add FeatureColorChooserPlugin to main program (modified FeatureSchema 
following SkyJUMP type)

Layer and Category Tree Modification
- Add tools to WMS and Pirol Raster menus: now all the menus show the same menu 
- Add a "Displacement" submenus into WMS, Layer and Category trees. Put all 
Move Category or Layes up-down there)
- Add "Move layer to Category" from SkyJump
- Add Extract layers tools to Layer tree


I am planning to add new tools and a basic WFS service for next realize.


Giuseppe Aruta

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