Hi Michael,
This is the quick test I did with both 06_sextante and 07_Sextante, with Ubuntu 

-  vectorialization of a DEM works fine but a bit slow
- Conversion of a DEM raster to a slope/aspect raster is OK
- Profile and cross sections gives this error: 
es.unex.sextante.exception.IteratorException: Iterator Exception
- line to equispace points is OK
- crop grid with polygon layer - Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumetException 
Width(0) and Height(0) must be >0
- complete grid Ok
- Histogram OK
- vectorialize a raster layer: doesn't work

All these tests work fine except the last one. But this test doesn't work 
either with OJ/Sextante_0.5 and Sextante _0.3 end either with Kosmo/Sextante. 
No problem with Windows instead of Ubuntu.



--- Lun 20/6/11, Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr> ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP and Sextante
A: "OpenJump develop and use" <jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Data: Lunedì 20 giugno 2011, 22:46




    Thanks Giuseppe, it gives me a better view of what you did with


    I'll concentrate on Sextante 0.7 integration, rather than improving
    the current 0.6 binding.

    But it's useful to know that  Command Line and History are missing
    from current version, and that it can be added quite easily (I
    didn't know that).

    I am in touch with V. Olaya to improve Sextante integration.

    He did a lot of changes in current version, making it incompatible
    with old binding, and he asked more information about how raster is
    loaded/managed in OpenJUMP.

    I still have to study the code and to answer him as this is a part
    of OpenJUMP I don't know.




    Le 20/06/2011 19:50, Giuseppe Aruta a écrit :
            Hi Michael,


              I am working on both version 0.6 and 0.7. 

              I attached both version that I recompiled: 06_sextante.jar
              and 0.7_sextante.jar.


              -version 0.6 - 

              I used ojsextantebinding_oct2010.jar from Stefan
              decompiled, modified and patched.

              I don't know why Command Line and History where not
              patched but this comes from Victor Oyala first version of
              OJ available for OpenJUMP (ver 0,3), probabily Stefan left
              the things as they were. Anyhow, at least the history tool
              seems to work on my tests.

              This version works with sextante 0.5 and 0.6. It might
              work with Sextante 0.3.

              The modification that I did were basically "visual":
              activated command lina and history, put some icons and


              - version 0.7-

              I tried version 0.7 from Sextante repository but it seems
              not working. So recompiled it  a version for Sextante 0.7,
              following what Kosmo saig team did (see my post here and
              This version seems to work but some tools still have
              problems: I don't know if it is a problem of the rcompiled
              binding or because Sextante team changed on 0.7 tools (and
              Sextante GUI) organization - it is actually far away from
              my developing knowledgements.




              Which are the difference with the official versions:

              - Sextante libs and algorithms have to go in
              lib/ext/sextante folder. I made this change in order not
              to have so many jar file rolling around in the EXT folder

              - Sextante help files have to go in
              lib/ext/sextante/sextante_help folder

              - There are all the tools available in "Sextante" menu:
              Toolbox, modeler, history, comand line and results

              - All the tools have their own icon

              - Sextante toolbox is accessible even by a toolbar icon




              I ask you to give a look. My personal idea is that
              Sextante 0.7 will make a big change (finally Grass
              interface for OpenJUMP/Kosmo, possibility to connect to
              SAGA and R, 3D, etc) but it is still not mature






              --- Lun 20/6/11, Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>
              ha scritto:


                Da: Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>

                Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP Version for OSGeo
                LiveDVD - July 4th Deadline

                A: "OpenJump develop and use"

                Data: Lunedì 20 giugno 2011, 18:56


                 Hi Giuseppe,



                            I worked around Sextante ver. 0.6 and added
                            the other tools which are missed on regular
                            Sextante (Command line and History). I also
                            added the icons and internationalized it (It
                            might be useful one day). I still haven't
                            had time to test Command line but history

                  What changes did you do and what version of Sextante
                  and ojsextantebinding did you use ?

                  Did you use Sextante version 0.6 and
                  ojsextantebinding_oct2010.jar bundled with OJ

                  or did you patch a more recent version ?


                  Sextante is on the way to 0.7, and I'd like to bind
                  this new version with next OJ release (I mean after

                  Do you know why  Command line and History had not ben
                  included in 1.4.0 distribution by Stefan ?




                          We can
                            add this new version on OpenJUMP 1.4.1 with






                            --- Lun 20/6/11, Michaël Michaud 
                            ha scritto:


                              Da: Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>

                              Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP Version
                              for OSGeo LiveDVD - July 4th Deadline

                              A: "OpenJump develop and use" 

                              Data: Lunedì 20 giugno 2011, 11:25




                                Le 19/06/2011 16:42, Sunburned Surveyor
                                a écrit :

                                > Cameron from the OSGeo contacted me
                                about which version of OpenJUMP

                                > we'd like to put on the OSGeo Live
                                DVD. We've got until July 4th to

                                > get them something.

                                Would be nice to include 1.4.1 (but it
                                will be short to test it)

                                > I'm on vacation this week, and I
                                hope to get to that reorganization of

                                > the analysis menu we've discussed.
                                I'm not sure if there are other

                                > features in the nightly build that
                                make it work getting out a release

                                > to include on the DVD.

                                Most of menu reorganization proposed by
                                Peppe and Uwe is done (just 

                                committed Menu Tools>Analysis changes

                                > At any rate, I wanted to bounce
                                this off the mailing list. In the

                                > worst case scenario, we can just
                                include the current stable version on

                                > the OSGeo Live DVD.

                                Let's see what can be done until the end
                                of the week, and let's keep 

                                next week for extensive tests.

                                I think it can be OK for the basic
                                OpenJUMP 1.4.1 core release, but it 

                                will be short for a OJ+Sextante+...



                                > Landon



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