On 05.07.2011 22:48, Michaël Michaud wrote:
> Using a 64 bit OS and a 64 bits jvm may be very interesting to process large 
> datasets (over a few hundreds of Mb)

does oj run with a 64bit jre on your  vista?

it actually does on a current mac, which by default seems to ship a 64bit jre.

enabling showing java version in oj_windows.bat shows it starts with java64 on 
a windows7 64bit.
starting there with OpenJUMP.exe uses the 32bit jre, probably because the exe 
starter is a 32bit application.

you can check by typing 
bsh% print( System.getProperty("java.home") );
in your beanshell console.

everything starting with 
"C:\Program Files (x86).." is 32bit
C:\Program Files\..." is 64 bit


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