It looks like there is some interest and opportunity for collaboration
with the GeoTools team on FGDB support. You can see the thread I
started on their development mailing list here:

I'm already way over committed, so I can't take the lead on this
effort, but I hope we can work together with the GeoTools people if
there is a desire and resources for work on a FGDB library.


On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Sunburned Surveyor
<> wrote:
> If we did decide to explore FGDB support for OpenJUMP, I'd recommend
> we collaborate with GeoTools on the lower-level code. I can post there
> to see if there is anything going on in this area and will get back to
> the list.
> Landon
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:25 AM,  <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the overview on this.. ede
>> On 04.08.2011 01:28, Martin Davis wrote:
>>> Yes, they are definitely positioning FGDBs as the replacement for 
>>> shapefiles - at least in their world.  FGDB has a lot of advantages for 
>>> them - no limit on file size, able to contain all of the weird and 
>>> wonderful ESRI data structures, and platform-independent.  Oh, and no 
>>> 11-char limit on field names!!!
>>> <philosophy>
>>> Personally I can't see it replacing the role that Shapefiles play in the 
>>> wider geospatial world - that is, a (fairly( open, easily-accessible, 
>>> documented spatial data format.  The FGDB format is closed and proprietary 
>>> - only the API is somewhat open.  And it's written in C, which limits its 
>>> use in some situations.  Also, the FGDB format is very complex, and 
>>> completely tailored to support ESRI's needs, rather than a more general set 
>>> of needs.
>>> It would be GREAT to have a truly open geospatial format, which was 
>>> essentially a shapefile for the 21st century.  GML is NOT that format...  
>>> so the field lies open
>>> </philosophy>
>>> It would be great to have a solution for accessing FGDBs from Java 
>>> (OpenJUMP of course, but I'd also like to be able to read them from JEQL).  
>>> If OJ could read them that should make it quite appealing for working with 
>>> newer ESRI data.
>>> One possiblity is this work on a Java interface to the FGDB API.  If this 
>>> project has taken care of all the JNI nastiness, then it could be worth 
>>> using.
>>> <>
>>> I know that the GDAL project is working on adding a driver for the FGDB 
>>> API.  This is in C, of course, so not directly usable by OJ.
>>> Martin
>>> On 8/3/2011 8:27 AM, Larry Becker wrote:
>>>> It would seem that ESRI is positioning the "file geodatabase" as the heir 
>>>> to the shapefile.  They now have a cross-platform API that provides access 
>>>> without ArcObjects.
>>>> Is this something the JUMP community should look into supporting?
>>>> Larry
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