Hi Michael,
I agree with the idea to move Batik (and corresponding tools) out of core 
software. Another idea could be to create some extra folders for big libraries, 
like OJ/lib/geotools and OJ/lib/batik and use them for  whatever external 
librarydevelopers need to make a plugin. This probably makes the software 
structure more clean and we could avoid duplicates. 

I have other ideas for styling, not so complicated to make (I was able to made 
them on Jufre) - to have a more flexible OJ. I will get all ideas and post with 
more details.


Da: Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>
A: jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Inviato: Sabato 5 Novembre 2011 11:59
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] Bug I 2688602 : Bugs on Change Style

Hi Peppe,

It seems to be solved.
>I think that before the bug somebody moved away from 
>com.vividsolution.jump.workbench.ui.images all the JPG ( the ones shown into 
>the Style fill pattern from no. 38 to n. 188 by Aquino,   121 files - 500 kb), 
>without modifing FillPatternFactory file which controls the presence of those 
>images on the menu (see on this file lines lines from 72 to 192 which begin  
>with "new ImageFillPattern(IconLoader.class, "etc).
>Than the files were put back into com.vividsolution.jump.workbench.ui.images 
>folder and the bug "magically" had gone.
Ah, OK, thanks,

On the other hand the idea is still valid, I think
>We could modify FillPatternFactory deleting/commentig lines from 72 to 192 
>(the lines which begin  with "new ImageFillPattern(IconLoader.class, "etc).
>The effect is to not display on Style Fill Patter menu all those JPG file.
>Which are the positive things, from my point of view.
>1) all these JPG could be moved into a separate folder.  Menu 189 (open image) 
>on Fill Pattern menu can  load them and other raster as a fill pattern.
>2) CADPlann plugin JumpFillPattern.jar would be more visible, if installed. 
>For users who don't know about this plugin. It shows on Fill Patter menu 
>whatever raster or vector (WKT and SVG) file as a pattern for polygon items. 
>Users can draw their own patters with Inkscape or other draw software and then 
>use it as a fill pattern. WKT files made using OJ can be used too.
>Actually all pattern loaded by JumpFillPattern.jar are displayed at the 
>lowestmost part of the Fill Pattern menu (after position 189) and so it is not 
>visible the potential of this plugin.
Just checked your proposal. I don't use much styling and always learn something 
from your suggestions :-)
I agree with your argument. I'd like to hear from others though.
I wondered if we should ask Geoff to include JumpFillPattern in the
    core distribution in this case.
But it depends on Batik jar file. I checked what are the
    dependencies to Batik and just found SaveImageAsSVG plugin. Batik
    being a 3 Mo dependency, I would be tempted to move all
    Batik-dependant plugins (SaveImageAsSVG and Cadplan extensions) to
    the PLUS distribution to keep Core as light as possible.

Any other advice on the topic ?


>I made this modification on my  version of OJ Jufre, if you want to see it the 
>effects, I added to this mail 2 shots
>Da: Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>
>A: OpenJump develop and use <jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
>Inviato: Venerdì 4 Novembre 2011 8:44
>Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] Bug I 2688602 : Bugs on Change Style
>Hi Peppe,
>in 2009, you described the following bug, can you tell me if
            it's solved 
>or if it happens on a particular os/jre...
>I could not reproduc eit on Vista/Jre6
>>bugs on Change Style>Fill pattern.
>>1) Fill patters shows 36 fill patterns:
>>From 1 to 13 pattern it is possible to select the
            pattern and change 
>it afterward.
>>From 14 pattern to 36, once choosen a pattern, it is not
            possible to 
>change it.
>>2) Opening the fill pattern display, the sidebar can go
            down easly 
>untill the last pattern (36), afterward it moves with
            difficulties until 
>it freeze the window. The user has to >close the Style
            window and reopen 
>it to change the style
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