
I try to follow interesting Jukka's input, but I don't use editing tools 
as much...
> I list some quick notes about digitizing with OpenJUMP and some other 
> programs.
> 1)  - Before Ede implemented the new keyboard shortcuts the only way to 
> cancel digitizing was to reselect the same digitizing tool  or some other 
> tool from the toolbox or Select features or Fence tool from the main menu.
>   - With the new keyboard shortcuts we have now, selecting another tool does 
> not cancel drawing but the only way to cancel digitizing is to press Esc when 
> the same tool that was used to start drawing is active.
> -  Behaviour is clearly different. I do not say if it better or worse.
> so far the others tend to autocancelling as before.. i have no opinion, so i 
> will do so if nobody objects in time.
I think using escape to cancel editing is good.
I don' understand if the change between previous and current versions 
when you reselect the digitizing tool to cancel editing (which is no 
more possible) was motivated by the new framework (which makes it 
difficult/impossible/hackish to cancel like that) or by your personnal 
feeling that it is better like that. I have no strong opinion about it 
except that it makes cancellation keyboard dependant.
Would double-click on the editing tool be an alternative ?

> there is still the option of cancel/keep to allow users to use other tools as 
> you mention below.
>> 2) - It is essential to be able to pan and zoom and continue to draw a long 
>> linestring or big polygon after that. In OpenJUMP this is possible by using 
>> the keyboard shortcuts. Actually, it is the only way. User cannot use for 
>> example Pan or Zoom tools from the main menu because selecting another tool 
>> cancels drawing.
Do not understand. Isn't it just the other way ? Selecting zoom/pan tool 
from the main tool menu does not interrupt drawing,
you just have to select the editing tool again to go on. Or did I miss 
something ?
>> - Digitizing with Pan/Zoom keyboard shortcuts is nice and efficient but user 
>> needs to know how to use the shortcuts. It is probably not evident for new 
>> users.
>> - Panning and zooming during drawing is not possible without keyboard.
>> - QGis does not have at all as nice shortcuts for digitizing. It does have 
>> configurable shortcuts but they are not as nice to use (my opinion).
>> - QGis does not cancel drawing if another tool is selected. Actually the 
>> default way to digitize seems to be to draw as long it is possible, select 
>> Pan tool, pan, select drawing tool, continue drawing, select Pan tool etc.  
>> I wouldn' t like to work that way but it is easy for the beginners and user 
>> do not need to touch the keyboard while drawing.
>> - uDig cancels drawing when another tool is selected.
>> - QGis and uDig are not totally comparable with OpenJUMP because they allow 
>> only one geometry type per layer and only one layer at a time can be 
>> editable.
>> 3) - I do not see a reason for keeping not ready digitized feature open if 
>> it is not compulsory like it is with the QGis way to do use panning.  Except 
>> one use case which I will tell later.  For me it is OK to cancel drawing 
>> without asking if user selects another tool.

You mean there is no reason for keeping not ready digitized feature "except 
during zooming / panning operation".
I agree this is not esssential. I do not see disadvantage though (maybe it is 
unusual and the user can feel the UI is buggy if it does not understand how it 


>> 4) - However, if OpenJUMP should be used for digitizing with GPS a 
>> possibility to keep feature open for digitizing would be very good thing. It 
>> may take 5 minutes to walk to the next vertex when you are out in the field 
>> and if you see something else that should be recorded on another layer you 
>> would like to interrupt, save point or vertex of another feature and 
>> continue gathering points to your first feature. However, for efficient work 
>> user should be able to keep however many features open and  user interface 
>> should be made to support selecting which not ready feature to continue. It 
>> is not so simple but I know one old PDA software (SOLO Field) where this was 
>> implemented well.
> sounds complicated to implement. when users can keep one geometry unfinished, 
> they will ask why not another one as well?
> for such use case i suggest to collect point on a layer per feature an merge 
> them when finished
>   or
> simply add point to a multipoint/linestring via add vertex
>> 5) - We should perhaps think a bit more about making it somehow possible to 
>> digitize without keyboard because It may be that Windows 8 computers with 
>> touchscreen and keyboard will come more common. There was discussion about a 
>> related thing last year, read "SuperZoom and other zoom/pan tools" from 
>> http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.jump.devel/month=20120201.  Perhaps 
>> improved SuperZoom tool could be a good solution. Let's hope Matthias hears 
>> and buys a laptop with touchscreen and does some testing :)
> another bridge i'd like to cross when we get there.. although javabased we do 
> not even run on Android.. ;P
>> That's all for today.
> tl;dr
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Too_long;_didn%27t_read
> just joking.. thanks for all your input!... ede
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