
Johannes Kröger wrote:

> Hi!

> I sent this earlier but I guess unsubscribed sender's emails are silently 
> dropped?

> This is not really important, I am just playing around and got curious.

> 1) I noticed that OpenJUMP will ignore the CRS of shapefiles that I open. 
> Does it have no support for files with different CRS in the same project? I 
> am used to the QGIS luxus where "on the fly" transformation are available to 
> work with any data in a shared CRS.

Originally OpenJUMP has no support for projections at all.  It just blindly 
took the data as they are and saved alike. Based on the number of open QGIS 
bugs and questions in the QGIS-users list the luxury of on-the-fly has also 
another side. Some functionalities in QGIS work fine with the OTF layers while 
some others don't. 
The Coordinate transformation plugin appeared in December, 21014 
  At least in these early days of projection support I think it is better to 
not implement on-the-fly transformations into OpenJUMP. Working with physically 
re-projected layers is at least safe.

> 2) Can I set the CRS for a shapefile I am writing using code around the 
> ShapeWriter class and if so, how? I am not looking for transformation, the 
> coordinates are already fine, I just want to have GIS tools not prompt for 
> the CRS when I open the shp.

Michaël will probably tell more but the CTS library 
https://github.com/irstv/CTS seems to have code for handling .prj files in 
However, PRJ and WKT are rather fuzzy systems for defining the projections. 
GDAL has special "morphToESRI" methods for making conversions between the 
OGC/GDAL/ESRI style presentations and based on the open GDAL tickets there are 
still many special cases where the conversion fails.

I think that if CTS has support for prj and CTS will be included in the OpenJUM 
core then OpenJUMP could be made to utilize it and read prj when opening the 
shapefile and write prj when saving. If it fails OJ could behave as it does now 
and just does not care.

> FeatureSchema has a setCoordinateSystem(coordinateSystem) method. I probably 
> gave it a bad CoordinateSystem but it was not used anyways when I wrote the 
> shapefile. I saw that com.vividsolutions.jump.coordsys really does not 
> contain much so it this stuff work in progress or abandoned or am I just 
> blind? :)

Shapefile writer ignores CRS as well as writing into JML .  I believe that 
PostGIS writer is utilizing CRS/SRID.

> I know I can just write a .prj file myself, but ideally I would not touch 
> those projection strings myself because I like to make mistakes.

I think that I agree. Writing shapefiles with prj would be a useful feature, as 
well as adding srsName element into JML schema.

Did you know that GDAL can also read and write JML format 
http://www.gdal.org/drv_jml.html? Once GDAL 2.0 is out which may happen within 
couple of months you can open JML files directly with QGIS.
-Jukka Rahkonen-

> Thanks, Hannes

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