
I tested the latest NB (4801) and the bug is still evident, even if I don't
have the NPE.
The test was this
a) Open a project (with layers and Sextante layers)
b) load a new sextante raster OR create a new sextante raster and save it
c) Save the project file
d) when I reload the project the sextante raster b) is not loaded.

I did a test on the same project file  using a pre-OJ1.9 version (4560)
and it works fine (reloading the project file, the new raster is displayed)


2016-01-22 15:04 GMT+01:00 Giuseppe Aruta <giuseppe.ar...@gmail.com>:

> Ede,
> let me resume some hints about image/raster as this aspect is quite
> interesting (for me)
> > i see as an easy way to georeference an image. also i stopped working on
> it earlier i want this functionality to eventually allow to resize/rotate
> an image and simply save it as jml. cream on the cake would be a
> functionality to export this to world file then.
> The main problem about OJ ReferencedImage (and Sextante RasterImageLayer
> too) is that those classes don't support rotation  parameters: the
> worldfile lines about X and Y rotation are simply skipped when a
> RasterImageLayer or a ReferenceImageLayer is loaded. I am sure that you
> were aware when you stopped working on it.
> I think that adding this capability is the start to add a georeferencing
> tools to OJ. The alternative is to use Warp class or similar (imageJ?) (*)
> >yeah, we should probably tag the image layer as changed when the user
> "modified" the image
> Tagging  layers/layerables sounds the best way. I like booleans like
> layer.hasReadableDataSource(): easy to use.
> Kosmo developers worked on similar tagging,  adding layer.isImage (which
> is OJ Layer.getStyle(ReferencedImageStyle.class) or similar) and also
> Layer.isMemory, isCadLayer, isDatabaseSource, etc.
> (*)Some months ago I did some test on RasterImageLayer, an easy class to
> work  for an inexperienced java developer like me as I can get
> BufferedImage and Raster data info very easy.
> The result was a sort of Easter egg: "Affine Transformation (with
> vectors)" now works also for Sextante Raster Layers, using the Warp class -
> it's a basic georeferecing, hard to use, sometimes with awkward results
> 2016-01-21 17:20 GMT+01:00 <edgar.sol...@web.de>:
>> hey Giuseppe
>> > *2) >In OpenJump 1.9 (1.8 as well) I create a new project and add a PNG
>> > image in a new image layer. Then I resize the image and save layer and
>> > project. When I reopen the project the resizing information is missing
>> and
>> > the image is displayed in its original pixel size again. The .jml file
>> > contains the correct outline values in feature-geometry-Polygon-...-*
>> > *coordinates*.
>> > In This case he is talking about an image loaded via ReferencedImage
>> > (Layer.class). In this case it is true that resizing the image and save
>> > nothing happens. But I feel this is a good politics as it is easy that
>> an
>> > user can resize an image by mistake and save it on a project.
>> > We can skip this adding the possibility to save resized image as new
>> file
>> > and using the envelope info to create a new worldfile
>> disagreed, i see as an easy way to georeference an image. also i stopped
>> working on it earlier i want this functionality to eventually allow to
>> resize/rotate an image and simply save it as jml. cream on the cake would
>> be a functionality to export this to world file then.
>> >
>> > Regarding the point 2), we should also take into account that (when
>> closing
>> > a project or a task)  OpenJUMP warns only the presence of
>> > a) modified vector layers with datasource and b) temporary vector with
>> no
>> > datasource.
>> > As far as I know OpenJUMP doesn't warn other "modified" aspects of a
>> > projects
>> > - Sextante Raster Layers generated by Sextante or by
>> > ExtractSelectedPartOfImage and WarpImageToFencePlugIn which are saved
>> into
>> > a temporary folder (eg. in windows C:\Users\Beppe\AppData\Local\Temp).
>> > Those files should be treated as "Raster with no datasource" (thinking
>> > about Linux/MacOSX user: whenever they shut PC /temp folder is cleaned
>> up)
>> > -  (as Freloon pointed out) ReferencedImage Layers which envelope has
>> been
>> > modified
>> >
>> yeah, we should probably tag the image layer as changed when the user
>> "modified" the image.
>> ..ede
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