Hi Ede, Michael, Jukka, Stefan and others
I added some simple boolean ans String methods on
com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.Layer class and
org.openjump.core.rasterimage.RasterImageLayer class
I ask you to give a look and your opinion, these methods should cover many
aspects and can be used for future development.
I would like to know if
a) those methods are in the right place
b) if they are really efficient ( i might loose some aspects)

on Layer class:

1) isTemporaryLayer()  Defines all Layer which datasource is null or Layer
which are saved into a TEMP folder (those layers are created by Sextante if
the Sextante option "save as temporary file" is activated)

2) isModifiedLayer() == is FeatureCollectionModified

3) isVectorLayer() Defines all layer  excluding images (and datastores

4) isImageLayer() Defines all image loaded by Layer.class (hope so)

5) isMultipleImagesLayer() Defines a Layer with multiple image

6) isDataStoreLayer() should be defines all Datastore layers. I am not sure
about this part of the code

7) isSystemLayer() Defines layer like Fence and Measure, which should be
considered as "System" layers

8) isCadLayer() Something I test to work with DXF files, Only layers with
COLOR and TEXT attributes

9) isMixedGeometryTypes() Should check if the Layer has mixed geometry types

10) isEmpy() Should defines if the Layer has an empty feature collection

11) String getGeometryType(). returns the geometry types of the layer

12) String getFilePath() return the path of a Layer, eg.
C:/folder/file.shp. If the file is stored into a TEMP folder it returns a
warning message (see point 1)

for RasterImageLayers:

1) isTemporaryLayer() defines if RasterImageLayer file is stored into a
TEMP folder

12) String getFilePath() return the path of a Layer, eg.
C:/folder/file.tif. If the file is stored into a TEMP folder it returns a
warning message (see point 1)

waiting for your opinion

best regards

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