On 26.01.2016 17:31, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> Just few extra details:
> 1) Temporary vector (Layer.class) and raster (RasterImageLayer.class)
> layers (isTemporaryLayer())
> - Sextante is a different software and it handles raster and vector in a
> separate way from OpenJUMP
> - while TEMP files should be stored in Windows forever (except if user does
> a deep OS cleaning) Linux and MacOSX delete these files from the /TEMP
> folder on shuts down
> Linux and Mac users should be aware that, if they shut down the OS and if
> they don't save these temp data in another folder, they will lost them. But
> I am sure that few know about this.
> Pratical usage:
> Other temporary layers  also layers with no datasource.
> SaveLayrsWithoutDatasourcePlugIn of Michael already advises users about the
> presence of these layers.
> I am planning to expand this plugin  to this other group of temporary
> layers (the one stored into /TEMP folder) both Layers and RasterImageLayers.
> I could work on the plugin without adding new boolean on System classes
> (you are right, Ede, those functionality are already there)
> But a flag like RasterImagerLayer.isTemporary() would avoid some extra code
> and, more important,  it could be used also in the future

if you need it there, go ahead. but please remove the stuff from Layer.java 
that does not belong there. 
the code is already messy enough and we should strive to clean it instead of 
messing it up even more (sorry Alberto).
> 2) check if layer has a mixed geometry
> Thanks Michael, I can see that polygons and multipolygons are considered as
> "mixed geometry". I will change the code: my idea is to check if the layer
> has point/linestring/polygon collection, to define different procedure on
> exporting (->to JML if it is a geometry collection, to SHP if is point or
> point/multipoint collection). I also was aware to use FeatureCollection
> (Kosmo implemented some flag here, too for geometries), I will move to that
> class)

you mean as default saving format when leaving OJ? why?
> 3) System layers.
> SaveLayrsWithoutDatasourcePlugIn  check to save Fence layer too on a
> project. I feel that this fence and measure layers should be sometimes
> treated in different way that other layers
isn't a system layer currently a layer of any kind residing in the category 
system? even wfs layers are placed there by default currently.

i guess you talk about runtime generated (helper-)layers? if so, i don't see 
the difference between them and layers without datasource from a coding 
or is there?

some afterthought:

afaics only (Vector)Layer has currently support for DataSourceQueries. probably 
because most, if not all other layer types are read only currently.

if we cleanly want to implement the current OJ API we should consider extending 
AbstractLayer accordingly and peu a peu add support for it to the layer types 
that need it eg. RasterImageLayer in your case.



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