I just upgraded a new version of class
related to Sextante Raster Info plugin.
Among few styling modification (see the new info table "a la" GvSIG style)
I added a very simple projection checker.
This projection checkershould check and display, if exists, few information
about raster projection.
It first check the presence of metadata into the raster  file (currently
limited to GeoTIFF), than into a possible auxiliary file (AUX.XML or PRJ).
The output code is quite but efficient, like "UTM zone 32 Northen
Hemisphere wgs84", not the related EPSG code (32632) so it is not intend to
be used to reproject a raster, only to get info. In some case (ESRI aux
file) it could give a simple "unnamed" string as output (I will try to fix
in the future).
Any comment is welcome

Best regards and Happy Easter to everybody
Giuseppe Aruta
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