Errata corrige: ChangeSRIDPlugIIn do recognize a database srid!

2016-03-30 17:27 GMT+02:00 Giuseppe Aruta <>:

> I found it.
> SRIDStyle sridStyle = (SRIDStyle) layers[0].getStyle(SRIDStyle.class);
>   final int oldSRID = sridStyle.getSRID();
> It was even easier I was thinking about. When loading a Database layer,
> srid is recorded as style and it is easly accessible.
> ChangeSRIDPlugIIn doesn't record this.
> Peppe
> 2016-03-30 15:32 GMT+02:00 Giuseppe Aruta <>:
>> Hi all
>> My question is how I can read SRID from a geographic database, ex
>> spatialite, loaded into OJ workbench. I see that each database class has a
>> a getSRID(String datasetName, String colName) method called on dbase
>> metadata. I wonder how I can access to thois info from the layer
>> Thanks in advance
>> Peppe
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