there seem to be several java gpx libraries out there

so the hard work seems to be done already.


On 8/31/2017 0:15, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess that you mean GPX format
><> There 
> is an importer made by Landon Blake in
>  .  Zip file has also source code packed into the jar files and importer 
> seems to be based on GeoTools and development was done by Landon Blake
>  I believe that the module was experimental and that has removed from 
> Geotools.
> Probably GPX writer should be written from scratch. It would not be very 
> simple because GPX has a tree-like structure: track points are the primary 
> geometries, track segment is a list of track points and finally track is a 
> list of track segments.
> If someone starts to write GPX driver it might be good to read how GDAL is 
> handling the conversion between simple features and GPX objects
> There can't be an option to write KML in EPSG:3857 because KML by definition 
> supports only EPSG:4326 longitude-latitude coordinates. But that is also the 
> case with GPX and I believe that OruxMaps knows how to do the conversions.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ________________________________
> Lähettäjä: Giuseppe Aruta <>
> Lähetetty: 30. elokuuta 2017 16:56
> Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
> Aihe: [JPP-Devel] Export to GPS file
> Hi all,
> does OpenJUMP have a way to export to a gps file format? I saw we have some 
> gps importer plugin. My idea is to create a track using OJ as linestring and 
> than to convert it to a gps file (in order to load into a software like 
> Oruxmap ( or Google Earth.
> We have a KML exporter that could work fine but it seems to me that it hasn't 
> an option to export file to pseudoMarcator EPSG:3857 projection (mostly used 
> by OruxMaps or Google earth).
> Best regards
> Peppe
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