
no problems at all. you did well to upload the sources to our svn. there we can 
modify/update the cadplan extensions and create new jars, if needed.


On 05.12.2017 14:35, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
>>Geoffrey wrote to the list a while ago that he is retiring and wants us to 
>>grab everything because sometime in the future the cadplan website might go 
> that's why Peppe moved the code. meaning in the future it's up to us to 
> enhance/fix his extensions.
> Michael, Ede
> If it create a proble for j9 I can remove those codes from svn and set to 
> another sourceforge place.
> Peppe
> 2017-12-04 12:40 GMT+01:00 < <>>:
>     Mike,
>     On 04.12.2017 09 <tel:04.12.2017%2009>:06, Michaël Michaud wrote:
>     > Ede,
>     >
>     > Not so fine as jar files were probably intentionally sealed by G. Roy, 
> but as far as I understand sealed, the files did not follow the requirements.
>     well, it's a precaution to not accidentally have a second class 
> definition in the class path. afaics it is because the way the 
> PluginClassloader overloads the application classloader.
>     it is kind of hackish, but alas it works and took long enough to figure 
> out how to get all our classes loaded by one classloader.
>     also in this case it is definitely not an error as there are merely two 
> classloaders seeing the same jar.
>     > I removed sealed instruction directly from jar file, but we must find a 
> more permanent solution either with Geoffrey Roy, the original author who has 
> still maintained the plugins until now or with Peppe (I see he copied the 
> source code into the plugin directory last month)
>     Geoffrey wrote to the list a while ago that he is retiring and wants us 
> to grab everything because sometime in the future the cadplan website might 
> go offline.
>     that's why Peppe moved the code. meaning in the future it's up to us to 
> enhance/fix his extensions.
>     > There are two more java 9 compatibility problem :
>     >
>     > - one with jaxb usage (some explanation here, let me know what you 
> think 
> <>)
>     hmm, that's in
>     java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/UnmarshalException
>             at 
> org.openjump.ext.viewmanager.ViewManagerExtension.configure(
>             at 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.loadConfigurations(
>             at 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.load(
>             at 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.main(
>             at 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.main(
>     need to have a look at that.
>     > - one in ojmapcoloring-0.5.jar extensions :  
> bundle=ResourceBundle.getBundle("/org/freevoice/mapcoloring/mapcolorstrings");
>  do not find the resourceBundle. I think this is because it does not pass the 
> PlugInClassLoader as a parameter. I don't know if there is a way to change 
> the loading mechanism without changing the extension code. Otherwise, we'll 
> have to contact Larry Reeder to know if he still want to maintain the plugin.
>     the main reason to have one classloader to rule them all is that all 
> following classloaders will have it as parent and will find all 
> classes/resources.
>     meaning, ist should not happen ;)
>     give me some time.. i am quite busy at the moment.. ede
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