Bonjour  Michaël,

thanks for the answer and the notes/questions.

I don't understand the reason for such a change. Copy schema/Paste schema
operations are relative to a layer.
How will you copy a schema from a layer to another layer ? Will you have to
open the schema dialog of the source layer, copy, close the dialog, open
the schema dialog of the target layer and paste ? Or will it be possible to
have both source and target schema opened at the same time ? And will you
be able to paste a schema to several layers ?

The idea is to simplify the layer context menu and have all Schema
plugins/actions on the Schema panel toolbar.

I figure out that an User should a) open source layer schema panel, b)
click on "Copy schema" button (*), c) open a target layer, d) click on
"Paste schema" button(*).

Cons: this process is slower than clicking Copy/Paste plugins on layer
context menu.
Pros: User can control if copy, and specially paste, actions have been
finalized in the right way(**): By the time that the User clicks on the
Paste schema button, the schema is applied to the layer

Currently the actions (both Copy/Paste schema plugins on the layer context
menu, and the toolbar button) work on one layer per time.

Right now, once a Schema has been copied on the clipboard, it is possible
to paste to several layers (again one layer per time)(***).

On the other hand, adding a way to save/restore a schema from a file can be
a useful addition.

Ideally I wanted to create a simple Load schema plugin which would have
retrive Schema from a dbf or jml file. Then I realized that there were so
many extra vector options (GeoJSON, DXF, CSV,...) that the work would bhave
been quite long. Saving to a text file and loading seems to me a valid
simple alternative.

I use schema editor quite much and I often have hesitated to add the plugin
in the toolbar, but this is another (easier) question.

My alternative proposal is to keep both options on a Layer context schema

a) an enhanced View/Edit schema plugin with all the Copy/Paste/Save/Restore
options and

b) both Copy Schema and Paste Schema plugins.
Best regards


(*) Copy/Paster schema buttons (on schema toolbar) actions do not refer to
extra codes: they simply l run CopySchemaPlugIn and PasteSchemaPlugIn

(**) Yesterday, the firt time I used the new Schema panel copy/paste
schema,I realized (and then  corrected) that Paste schema former plugin was
missing of Boolean and Long attributes.

(***) Paste Schema prevents to clone the same attributes (same name, same
type) if clicked more times on the same layer. On the other hand this
plugin is not undoable - which should be solved...

2018-04-03 20:50 GMT+02:00 Michaël Michaud <>:

> Hi Peppe,
> I don't understand the reason for such a change. Copy schema/Paste schema
> operations are relative to a layer.
> How will you copy a schema from a layer to another layer ? Will you have
> to open the schema dialog of the source layer, copy, close the dialog, open
> the schema dialog of the target layer and paste ? Or will it be possible to
> have both source and target schema opened at the same time ? And will you
> be able to paste a schema to several layers ?
> On the other hand, adding a way to save/restore a schema from a file can
> be a useful addition.
> I use schema editor quite much and I often have hesitated to add the
> plugin in the toolbar, but this is another (easier) question.
> Michaël
> Le 03/04/2018 à 13:58, Giuseppe Aruta a écrit :
> Hi Ede, Michael and others
> I want to customize Schema Panel 
> (com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.SchemaPanel)
> in order to group in it all other schema layer action (actualy Copy and
> Paste Schema) which actualy are separate plugins. Plus other enhancements.
> This is the actual panel
> And this is how it will look like after "restyling"
> 1) The Toolbar is moved to the top of the frame
> 2) The first button are the usual: Add/Remove/Move down/Move up attribute
> commands.
> 3) Afterwards, there are other four commands: Copy Schema, Paste Schema,
> Save schema as file, Load schema from file
> 3) Save schema as file will save the schema as a simple text file. Load
> schema from file will load into the layer schema an external schema saved
> as file. These 2 plugin will be useful to share schemas within parallel
> projects on different data layers.
> I will also modify the Layer menu in OpenJUMP, in order to remove the
> Schema submenu and keep only a "View /Edit schema" item
> What is your opinion?
> Best regards
> Peppe
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