Hi everybody,
this is a general email. First of all greetings to all members of this
In this moment many of us in or countries are facing the large pandemia
connected to Covid 19. This is going to change, for sure, little by little
many aspects of our everyday's life, in these days, possibly in the future.
I want to ask you how is the situation in your country with Covod 19.
I think it is important to save a comunication using every channel we can.
And share information.
In Italy, as you probably know, Covid 19 arrived first and had an unusual
spread comparing to other Europe country. A larger number of infected and a
very high number of deads. The reasons can be different and still matter of
discussing (Covid 19 arrived first in Italy, larger population of old
people, randomness....)
We adopted a scenario that is quite well explained in this article:
Simulation number 3 or 4 depending to the areas. I hope this article can be
useful to someone.

Regarding OpenJUMP,. As I have more free time in these days, I spend a part
of the day on solving some aspects of Styling in OpenJUMP.

a) Caplann vertex synbology actually works only as a base symbols, allowing
some extra notes using attributes to store datas. I developed a plugin that
can be used also on Classification by attribute . It is still a barebone
and needs some special enablechecks: I will upgrade the source code by the
time it is ready.
The scope: it allows some essential features on vertex style classification
like rotation and scale symbology according to scale view. These features
are quite important in geological and topographic maps

b) review VertexStyle class to allow rotation and rescale symbols by scale
view. This is still embryonic and hopefully I can get a working plugin on
next weeks. (the source code is quite complex for me)

c) Extend  the preview panel of symbology to other Style classes (vertex
symbology like Cadplann and Line decoration

A proposal
Both Sextante and Open Klem plugin use jep-2.4.0.jar  file. Jep is used to
parse and to evaluat mathematical expression (http://singularsys.com/jep/)
and it is quite small (83 kb). I propose to add as base library in
OpenJUMP, it can be useful to extend math and statistical capabilities in

Best regards

Best regards
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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