> Seems that the WorkbenchToolbar uses a special layout added to OpenJUMP by 
> Ede : WrapLayout, extending FlowLayout. I did not understand what this layout 
> was supposed to solve though. Ede, any idea ?

WrapLayout does what it's name says, it wraps a horizontal flowlayout into a 
new line if there is not enough space. remember in the past that the workbench 
toolbar got cut off when the window was too small?

will have a look. give me some time.


** [bugs:#495] Warp panel shows a vertical toolba instead of horizontal on 

**Status:** open
**Created:** Fri Jul 31, 2020 07:40 AM UTC by Giuseppe Aruta
**Last Updated:** Tue Aug 04, 2020 06:59 AM UTC
**Owner:** Giuseppe Aruta

 (45.0 kB; image/png)

On Ubuntu Mate.
Warp Plugin. The toolbar of the panel sets all vector tools icon in a vertical 
position, as shown in the attached picture. 


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