Hi everyone,

Note: I just changed the email address I'd like to use to contribute on this list.

Thank you Michael for your welcome on this list and your kind message.

As Michaël pointed out, I started updating some former OpenJUMP extensions that I created years ago, and I've recently been in touch with him to know a bit more about the evolution of OpenJUMP. We talked about the dependencies, including JTS and deegree, the best way to import the project, a possible move to Git (Gitlab, Github, etc.), etc.

So yes, I know OpenJUMP in a certain extent but I'm far from being an expert despite the fact that I developed these extensions. To be totally honest, I didn't code much in Java during the last 3 or 4 years, so I'm probably a bit rusty. For these reasons, I am quite happy to talk about what I experimented with during the recent days, including a possible update to a "new" version of JTS (com.vividsolutions renamed into org.locationtech), etc., but I don't feel confident, at least for now, to modify the Maven configuration and to commit these changes. Michaël said that Ede was really good at it, and I would prefer relying on his skills rather than my mine at the moment to push the commit button/command line. That said, I'm quite happy to discuss what could possibly be updated, and to update/commit some of the code, for example to improve all the generic types such as HashMap<K,V>.

Rather than writing more about it in this introductory message, I'll write another message tonight about what I just did today.

Best wishes to all of you.
Take care,

On 07/08/2020 16:21, Michaud Michaël wrote:

Hi all,

I reconnected with Eric Grosso, a former colleague who is also an OpenJUMP expert as he wrote the MorphAl extension (https://alpage.huma-num.fr/extension-sig/), the concave hull extension (now incorporated in OJ-PLUS) and probably some other useful contributions.

He already noticed several outdated repositories in the pom an we talked a little bit about the future of OpenJUMP (including some recurrent questions like migration to github, org.locationtech.jts...). I invited him to continue the discussion on this list and want to welcome him.


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