I also found the sources for the 0.6 version here, directly exported from code.google.com/p/sextante: https://github.com/danieldupre/sextante
The OpenJUMP bindings are included.

Víctor Olaya could also be contacted to help if needed: https://github.com/volaya

Finally, I found a version 1.0 of Sextante in the 52°North project but only the compiled code is accessible (in their own Maven repository). It seems to be a Maven refactoring based on the 0.6 version:


On 10/08/2020 20:44, Eric wrote:

Is it different from this repository:
- https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/sextante/soft/sextante_lib/
- (OpenJUMP bindings) https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/sextante/soft/bindings/openjump/

I tried to find the source code of GvSig CE but I failed. Could you please send us a link to their SVN repository? Thanks.


On 10/08/2020 20:02, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
>>Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the case.

Possibly Sextante Will be a problem as we don't have the source code of the project (it is available on GvSig CE svn repository). And Sextante.jar, Sextante-gui.jar and Sextante-algorithms.jar partially rely on JTS. I gave a look at the source code: the versione available on GvSig CE is a bit different from the one embedded into Openjump: there are some enhancements and few depencies to GvSig class: nothing serious as I tested their version with Openjump and it works fine. Right now my tested version of Openjump for raster analysis  uses GvSig CE sextante.

My idea is to download Sextante source code from GvSig CE and try to recompile it with new JTS. And prepare some tests following Sextante documentation and user's notes (Openjump with all raster tools is used in a couple of courses at the University of Padua) . I will also mail to GvSig CE folks. GVSIG CE (at least sextante) seems not have activity since a couple of years.

Il lun 10 ago 2020, 15:52 Eric <eric.openj...@thefactory.io <mailto:eric.openj...@thefactory.io>> ha scritto:

    Here is the list of all the SVN authors (and their number of
    contributions) according to the logs:
    beckerl 197
    bertazza 29
    bgudehus 6
    clark4444 6
    edso 1305
    elnico 54
    eric.lemesre 4
    infinityedge 2
    jammerhund 47
    javamap 10
    jratike80 22
    kdneufeld 2
    lreeder 1
    ma15569 602
    mentaer 465
    michaudm 1619
    paul_d_austin 38
    s-l-teichmann 1
    stranger 87

    If you want to keep track of them in the possible future Git
    repository, a conversion file needs to be created, for example
    (with one author per line):
    michaudm = Michael Michaud <em...@test.com> <mailto:em...@test.com>

    We should maybe do this outside this mailing list to avoid
    creating a list of public email addresses.

    For info, I easily managed to locally create a Git repository
    containing the 1.15 release of OpenJUMP, using the 6242 revision.
    I'm waiting for your different answers to move to the next step.


    On 10/08/2020 14:42, Eric wrote:
    Hi Ede,

    Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline
    replies for some of them (I deleted the other parts).

    On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de
    <mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:
    hey Eric,

    welcome to the team! see my answers below

    On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
    Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it
    seems that there is only deegree 2,
    without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.
    which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to
    branch out a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility
    to all external plugins. that's the bad news.
    the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all
    of them and during this effort we might eventually come up with
    a working plugin manager after all.

    Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to
    update all the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which
    relies itself on JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the
    I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to
    do it.

    This is quite a good news because
    if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version
    (3.x.x), which relies on JTS 1.15,
    then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few
    other com.vividsolutions directly used in the code
    need to be modified.
    yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or
    exclusively for the WFS extension and i remember checking out
    deegree3 as a drop in for deegree2 but failing miserably.
    that's why i stuck with deegree2 happy to have at least a
    working WFS extension for the time being.

    but again, we can remove WFS from core for OJ 2.x and come up
    with a working extension later (if at all).

    It seems to be a good compromise for the time being as the
    migration from deegree-core 2 to deegree-core 3 isn't

    - the GeoJSON part (com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson) is
    problematic due to the jts-io
    pom type only, but once imported, this part of the code will
    be functional again,
    how do you figure? com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson was
    written by myself from scratch utilizing google's json-simple .
    it holds no dependency apart from the jts geometry code. maybe
    myself placing it in this package has mislead you

    Have a look at the GeoJsonReader class for example, and the
    method MapGeoJsonGeometryReader (see the comment), or the
    GeoJSONFeatureCollectionWrapper class. You will see that there
    is a dependency to JTS io.
    It doesn't mean that there is a real dependency in the way it
    works, but JTS io (now jts-io-common which includes the GeoJSON
    code) is needed for the code to compile.

    - some classes have been deprecated, removed, or simply moved
    in the new JTS versions,
    such as
    New interfaces
    have been created in JTS. It shouldn't be too complex to find
    a solution or a workaround,

    After the JTS upgrade, only two classes require some changes:
    - org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.tools.ReducePointsISAPlugIn --
    relatively easy to solve,
    - another written by Michaël,
    com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.MakeValidOp. For this one, a few
    JTS constructors have evolved. The problem is linked to the 4th
    dimension, dimension that can't be retrieved any more with a
    simple getter. One temporary solution could consist in the
    creation of a class which extends the current JTS one with an
    additional getter / setter for the dimension.

    Once these problems of imports are solved, the JTS update
    should be relatively
    straightforward, and some work will probably be needed to
    update the code
    based on deegree. I tried to update one of my plugins, it took
    me seconds
    to do it, and I know that it would be exactly the same for the
    others, just by
    replacing com.vividsolutions.jts by org.locationtech.jts.
    sure. problem is not the port but gathering all plugin sources,
    setting up build env, porting and releasing the new
    modification for each and everyone. on the other hand, there is
    no alternative since locationtech forced our hand
    I answer this point later in the discussion, including a
    possible migration to Git.

    my maven-fu pretty much is compiled in the OJ pom. never needed
    it before or setting up the snapshot/release profiles. so you
    are on your own there. had to figure out some Ant for some
    finetuning but that's it. but it's pretty well documented, so
    we will get it into shape if something has to be changed.
    OK. Thanks.

    going forward i'd suggest you (Eric)
    1. work with the stable OJ 1.15 check out
    2. remove WFS, here is the adding commit from 2014
    essentially it is the package 'de.latlon.deejump.wfs'
    3. fixup a running port to JTS 1.15+

    if that worked out you may holler and we can decide how to
    proceed. i could imagine
    1. doing a "final" OJ 1.16 release only updated on critical issues
    2. announcing and moving development focus over to OJ 2.x
    3. branch OJ 2.x dev from the OJ 1.16 and apply the changes
    researched by Eric
    3. extension fixup, extension fixup, ...

    b1. maybe even finally porting the svn repo to git (to attract
    more comitters and make it easier to apply contributions),
    what's important to me here is to keep our commit history so we
    can still retrace changes after years and find out why they
    were done this way by the commit messages or by whom to ask them
    b2. tackling java's module system jigsaw, as classpath based
    loading looks like to become a thing of the past

    so far, so hot  ..ede

    My plan was nearly identical. Here it is:
    - Using OJ 1.15 core including trunk, tags and branches,
    - Migrating the code to Git based on something like this:
    It includes the preservation of the commit history (critical
    point) including the authors of these commits (more details here
    -- authors.txt --:
    https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migrating-prepare) -- I
    don't know yet if it's possible to link the authors to new Git
    accounts (this would be great). Note that this migration
    automatically recreates the tags and branches,
    - Creating a repository with this code on Github or Gitlab (see
    below for an open discussion about it),
    - At this stage, I would drop the WFS part of the code,
    including the package 'de.latlon.deejump.wfs' as Ede mentioned
    but also the 'org.deegree' one. I would also drop the
    deegree-core dependency in the pom.xml,
    - Removing the two Maven repositories mentioned in a previous
    message, adding the new one as mentioned too,
    - Updating JTS to a 1.15+ version, ideally the 1.17 as it
    doesn't change much between 1.15 and 1.17, both for JTS and JTS
    io common for the GeoJSON part. Replacing all
    com.vividsolutions.jts by org.locationtech.jts and working on a
    workaround for both ReducePointsISAPlugIn and MakeValidOp
    classes. Push the results once it compiles / works,
    - Creating a small document containing all the different
    undertaken steps.
    - (Bonus) Upgrading the Log4j dependency to v2 and therefore
    removing the current security issue in link with it.

    Open discussion:
    - Preliminary remark: I don't want at any point of this process,
    acting as if I was taking this project under my umbrella/name.
    As I wrote to Michaël, you're the drivers/guardians of this
    project, I'm just a passenger. Therefore, just let me know what
    you prefer, the way you want to do things, and I'll act
    accordingly. Thanks,
    - The idea is to create a temporary Git project/repository as
    Ede mentioned too. There are two main platforms for that, GitHub
    and GitLab. Let me know which one you prefer, knowing that it is
    possible to have both solutions, working only on one, with a
    mirroring for the other using this solution (this includes
    automated push/pull):

    - Would you prefer an open or a private repository? Why do I
    consider the private option here? To avoid any confusion with
    the current OpenJUMP repository on sourceforge and to avoid some
    possible premature forks,
    - Where do I need to create this project? In my personal
    account, or an OpenJUMP organisation is created, and the project
    takes place there (I would personally prefer this option, in
    link with my preliminary remark)? If an OpenJUMP organisation is
    created, do you want to create it yourself or is it OK if I
    create it?
    - Have you already got some GitHub/GitLab accounts that I could
    use to let you access the project as administrators?

    So if I sum up the questions:
    - Github vs Gitlab,
    - Open vs private repository (just for the period of this test),
    - Where? Personal account vs OpenJUMP organisation,
    - GitHub/GitLab accounts for administration.

    About Ede's b2 point: I tested OJ with a Java 11 environment
    both with OpenJDK and an Oracle one. It works with both, as far
    as I tested it. I didn't try with Java 14. I prefer using
    OpenJDK as there is no commercial restriction with it.

    ps. "how hard can it be?" - https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-08-07

    Thanks a lot for your views on that Ede.

    Please let me know what you prefer and I'll act accordingly.


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