The use of the ra_svn module rather than the ra_serf one seems to be a rather good approach.

The migration process worked well during the last 2 and a half hours. It already took into account all the branches, and partially the trunk and the tags from 1.2preC to 1.7.0.

I'll let you know about it tomorrow morning as it is probably going to take another 2 or 3 hours (at least).

Based on that, a full local migration of the core (starting with revision 1) would probably take around 5 or 6 hours, plus the time to push all of this into the newly created GitHub repository.


On 14/08/2020 21:07, Eric wrote:
See my inline answers below.

On 14/08/2020 20:38, wrote:
some  more questions
1. did it ever run through completely?

During my first tests, I used a starting revision number closer to 6242 to test the process and to save some time (as I knew it would take ages to go through a complete check out). It worked well. But apparently not with the full history.

2. why start at revision 859?

Because it is apparently the first revision of the core, according to the logs.

I just checked again, using the same command line, i.e.: svn log --stop-on-copy

It is 858 and not 859. I don't know why I get this wrong.

It's obviously the number 1 if you consider the entire project: svn log --stop-on-copy

3. did you try ?

Not yet as it is already quite a verbose mode by default.

it'd probably more stable if you could work with a full local checkout.. ede

I just realised that svn is based on several modules depending on the access protocol: - ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol. - ra_serf : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol using serf.

I'm trying to see if a switch to ra_svn could improve the situation. The answer will come in at least an hour (as a complete checkout and a migration take time).

If not, I will use the third repository access module, the local one:
- ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.

One step at a time, starting with the easier one (or maybe not).


On 14.08.2020 21:26, Eric wrote:
The command is to migrate the complete project, including its history, from svn to git: svn2git --exclude docs --revision 859:6242 --authors ../authors.txt

I first tried without excluding the docs folder. The revision parameters match the first and the 1.15 revisions.

So yes, it's a complete checkout of the core (except the 1.15+ commits), including trunk, tags and branches, and their reconstruction and migration to a local git project.


On 14/08/2020 20:02, wrote:
probably just's svn acting up. it sometimes throws weird errors that resolve itself after a time. i guess they get fixed on their servers. who knows.

anyway. what is it you are doing when it errs out? a complete checkout? what commands are you running? can you give some context?


On 14.08.2020 20:48, Eric wrote:

I'm encountering a problem during the local migration (ra_serf: The server sent a truncated HTTP response body) when I try to do it from revision 859 to revision 6242.

I tried to exclude the 'docs' folder to reduce the size of it, without much success (still the same error after an hour or two during the migration process).

Could one of you try these two commands (as indicated here:
svn cleanup
svn up

Thanks in advance.

On 14/08/2020 11:12, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
openjump-gis ok for me too

2020-08-14 12:03 GMT+02:00, <>:
or jump instead of oj

so many possibilieits ..ede:))

On 14.08.2020 11:53, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

2020-08-14 11:50 GMT+02:00, Eric <>:

The GitHub support team answered me this morning, stating that the ownership transfer of the 'openjump' username or organisation is not
possible at the moment:

While I'd love to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to release that username for you today as it's not dormant (not all activity on GitHub is public) or available for release under our name-squatting policy (
Sorry I don't have better news to share with you on this.

Though it may not apply here, it's worth mentioning that we have a trademark policy that could allow you to obtain a username that's
already been claimed. If the username you're interested in is a
trademark you hold, I'd recommend taking a look at that policy for
more information about potentially filing a violation report:
I just created an organisation named 'openjump-gis' for the time being (hyphens are allowed), according to the title of the index page and as it gives an idea of what the project is about. The following
options are also available at the moment:
- open-jump,
- openjumpgis
- openjump-project / openjumpproject
- oj-gis / ojgis
- jump-pilot / jumppilot
- openjump-pilot / openjumppilot
- geopenjump

Note that openjump is available on GitLab for the moment, if you wish to
create a mirror repository there.

It's always possible to rename an organisation later on (see This process automatically updates everything from link redirection to
commit attribution.

I already added Ede (edeso) and Michaël (mukoki) as owners of this

I also just created an 'openjump-migration' repository as previously discussed and I am now tuning the settings of both the organisation and
the repository.

Feel free to modify the content / info / settings about these.

I should be able to push a first working version for next Monday, maybe before but as schools reopened on Wednesday here in Scotland (children
don't attend it on a daily basis during this first week), I can't
promise anything.


On 12/08/2020 13:38, wrote:
no worries. i'm pretty sure we are not fixed on that name. for years we have been known as /jump-pilot/ (anybody know why?) and it worked as
how about you work with a private repo in the mean time and we'll deal with name and organisation when we are ready to branch which is not
to be tomorrow ;)


On 12.08.2020 13:19, Eric wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks to all of you.

According to your answers, I'm in the process of creating a GitHub organisation named 'openjump', containing a public repository named 'openjump-migration'. The current problem is that someone created an
account or an organisation with this name last April
(, but with no activity since then. I just contacted the GitHub support team to see if it was possible to have a
transfer of ownership for this name -- so, of course, with the
of the current owner), as it isn't allowed to directly contact the
for obvious reasons.

Apart from that, everything is ready.


On 12/08/2020 10:06, wrote:
yup indenting is clearly broken in this reply, maybe better not reply
inline with that client Mike ;).. ede

On 12.08.2020 09:17, Michaud Michael wrote:

      >>> On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
      >>>> Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it
seems that
there is only deegree 2,
      >>>> without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.       >>> which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is
branch out
a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all external
that's the bad news.
      >>> the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much
of them and
during this effort we might eventually come up with a working plugin
after all.
      >> Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to
update all the
plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on JTS.
I'm going
to test it, to see if it's the case.
      >> I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds
do it.

again. we don't have sources for all extensions in OJ Plus at hand or
setup to
build at all. the challenge won't be the modding but the finding and
setting up
plugin repos.

I wasn't aware of this situation. All of a sudden, it seems to be
another challenge to migrate all the plugins...

Could we decide to norrow openjump-plus to extensions hosted by the
only, and revide the idea of a plugin manager (could be a student
project ?).

there is a critical bug opening JMP project files which should be
we branch

The idea here is to test the migration based on the OJ 1.15 release,
know if it works and to see what could be improved during the final
migration. Nothing definitive.

We'll try to fix this bug before the definitive migration.

Any format preference for this document? MD (Markdown) or RST
(reStructuredText)? Both are easily and directly readable from GitHub
GitLab. I would probably suggest Markdown as it's slightly more
and because we don't need the specificities of RST at this stage.

I also suggest markdown for the same reasons

      >> - (Bonus) Upgrading the Log4j dependency to v2 and therefore
removing the
current security issue in link with it.

the reason that this was not done before is that some extensions were
against it. as we are doing a clean break anyway i am not opposed
anymore. note:
we have our "own" com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.Logger which is
supposed to
be the one stop solution for extension but internally uses Log4J

What I could do is, once JTS and the OJ code have been updated on the master branch, to create another branch (based on the latter) to test
Log4j update. What do you think?

It is good for me,

      >> Open discussion:
      >> - Preliminary remark: I don't want at any point of this
acting as
if I was taking this project under my umbrella/name. As I wrote to
you're the drivers/guardians of this project, I'm just a passenger.
just let me know what you prefer, the way you want to do things, and
I'll act
accordingly. Thanks,

thanks for contributing your time and effort!

It's the least I can do after having used OJ for years.

I this migration to github and jts 1.17 succeeds, it will be a major
step in the
evolution of the project, thanks for your effort,

      >> - Would you prefer an open or a private repository? Why do I
consider the
private option here? To avoid any confusion with the current OpenJUMP
on sourceforge and to avoid some possible premature forks,

we can easily add notes in the Readme pointing out the provisional
status of the
OJ2 development. anyone wanting to fork still i have no objections.
after all
it's not called open source for nothing ;)

I'm waiting some other answers (from Peppe, Michaël, etc.) on that.
none, I'll create a public repository.

I would say let's be open from the start, but I like the following
to have an openjump/openjump-test project first (or maybe
openjump/openjump-migration), the time to fix main problems before we
create a
more official openjump/openjump (to avoid to send a bad image of a
project with
plenty of inconsistencies).

      >> - Where do I need to create this project? In my personal
or an
OpenJUMP organisation is created, and the project takes place there
personally prefer this option, in link with my preliminary remark)?
OpenJUMP organisation is created, do you want to create it yourself
is it OK
if I create it?

is "organisation" something like a team definition provided by
github/-lab ?

Yes indeed. The term "organisation" is used by GitHub, and the terms
"group" and "subgroup" are used by GitLab:
- (GitHub)
- (GitLab)

An Organisation and a Group can contain several projects. It is quite useful to easily link related projects. In the OJ context, one
could be the OJ core, another one the default plugins, another the
plugins, etc. (or a different project for each plugin).

Even if there is no real convention (afaik), organisations and groups are often written in lower case with hyphens if necessary. For

So for OpenJUMP I would suggest:
- openjump for the organisation / group,
- openjump for the main code,
- openjump-test for the temporary project we are talking about here,
avoid any confusion.

Let me know if you agree with this naming, and what to do, i.e. do
want that I create this organisation / group or if you prefer doing
If you let me do it, I'll transfer immediately the ownership to all

It is OK for me (consider openjump-migration as an alternative to openjump-test). Maybe we could also consider the name openjump2 to
underline the
potential compatibility problems users may encounter if they use
plugins. We'll also have to decide about some conventions for
of the
same organisation hosting extensions : I would suggest to always
include the
word plugin (or extension) in th eproject name, except for special
cases like
sextante if we clone the code in openjump/.

      >> - Have you already got some GitHub/GitLab accounts that I could
use to let
you access the project as administrators?




      >> So if I sum up the questions:
      >> - Github vs Gitlab,
      >> - Open vs private repository (just for the period of this
      >> - Where? Personal account vs OpenJUMP organisation,
      >> - GitHub/GitLab accounts for administration.

for preliminary testing on your side feel free to use whichever
private/public shouldn't matter. for an eventual fork actually used
basis for
OJ2 development let's still talk about details. i'm (and probably the
others as
well) not very familiar with setting up projects on either

If you're happy with a public one, it's probably better as we'll
from better CI/CD tools. This should allow us to test the current OJ builds, maybe to try different ones if necessary or at least to adapt the current process within the context of GitHub/GitLab, as it
to be a crucial aspect of the migration.

This is really a test to see the feasibility (Git migration, JTS
OJ code update consequently, builds, plugins update, etc.) -- based
the current OJ 1.15 release for now --, to document the different undertaken steps in order to be able to reproduce them if needed and
when decided (for example to create OJ 2.x).

      >> About Ede's b2 point: I tested OJ with a Java 11 environment
OpenJDK and an Oracle one. It works with both, as far as I tested it.
try with Java 14. I prefer using OpenJDK as there is no commercial
with it.

agreed, we should strive to be openjdk compatible exactly because of
restrictions that Oracle introduced on their java runtime.

      >> Please let me know what you prefer and I'll act accordingly.

up to you, risking that licensing might not be possible, you may work
out a
proper conversion routine to a git service of your choice. using your documentation we may then using OJ 1.15.1/1.16 as a base for OJ2
when/if the licensing is cleared up.

maybe you can shed a light which you think would be the better choice

As a lot of other GIS related projects are already on GitHub, such as JTS, GeoTools, GeoNode, etc., it seems that it would be a good place
start with. Some projects like GEOS are directly hosted by OSGeo,
mirrored on GitHub and GitLab, and thus benefiting from different

Quick summary about the current options:
- choice of GitHub,
- creation of an openjump (lowercase) organisation in GitHub -- question: who does this creation? if you let me do it, I transfer the co-ownership to Ede, Michaël and Peppe (others?) as soon as I know
individual GitHub accounts (already known for Ede). This organisation
has a link to the OpenJUMP website, to the OJ mailing list
- creation of a openjump-test (lowercase) repository within this
- this repository is a public one,
- migration of the OJ core (1.15 release -- revision 6242) containing the trunk, tags and branches to the openjump-test repository -- being
aware that there is a critical bug reported here:,
- this migration uses <sfnetusername> for the authors (i.e. all committers), and keeps the history since the first available SVN revision (using the logs, it seems to be the 859), - update of JTS (version 1.17) including the update of related OJ
(solving the two classes mentioned in my previous message), the
of pom.xml, the removal of deegree-core 2 / deejump code (basically
related code), the creation of a or .rst to clearly state
this a migration/update test and a link to the current releases /
the creation of a documentation / report about this migration at the
root of the repository named,
- later, creation of another branch to test if it's possible to use
Log4j v2.

Ede, Michaël and Peppe, could you let me know if you agree or/and
disagree about one or several aspects of this list.

Once all your answers are received and a compromised reached, I'll
proceed accordingly.


so far.. thanks! ede

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