Hi Michaël,

Don't be sorry, it was quite good to understand how it works.

The changes I made seem to fix the part of makeValid which tests if the "geometry" dimension (based on CoordinateSequence, not the geometry dimension itself). If the dimension is 4, it calls restoreDim4 as expected. These shouldn't have an impact on the rest.

The other changes are related to the PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory instances, as there isn't any more a constructor which includes the dimension as a parameter.

As it purely JTS dependent, would you like to create another repository for that in openjump-gis or would you like me to do it? This way we could split the code and the tests, and it would be easier to manage than the full project (especially if the tests are written separately, as it isn't yet clearly done in OJ at the moment). Let me know what you think about it.


On 18/08/2020 07:41, Michaud Michael wrote:

Hi Eric,

Sorry to have let you with this problem.

I also checked on my side. Indeed, when I wrote this class, I gave up the idea of preserving the z/m ordinate during the computation because as you noticed, they are lost by some jts algo I need. Instead, I get z/m back at the end of the process.

I think that broken tests are not so important because they test intermediate steps (on CoordinateSequence). I suppose they are broken by the many changes done on jts side about z/m management. Trying to understand why these changes broke my test, I was not completely satisfied about how this is managed in jts and I issued 2 tickets in locationtech/jts repo.

-> I have a version of the class which compiles and passed the (modified) tests. I can push it.

-> I'll review the code depending on how my issues on jts are answered. I also have to check it more extensively to take into account improvements on z/m management recently done in jts. But it can be done later.


*envoyé :* 18 août 2020 à 04:29
*de :* Eric <eric.openj...@thefactory.io>
*à :* jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
*objet :* Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration


No problem.

I didn't encounter any problems to complete the migration locally (removed WFS parts, updated related WFS classes, JTS 1.17 and related code updated, etc.)... except with the class 'com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.MakeValidOp'.

I managed to modify/update this class and it compiles. But then I tried to test if it was working based on the tests already written in the main. Even if the tests can be run, it seems that there is a problem with the 'nodePolygon(Polygon polygon)' method, during the validation of 3D (but also 4D) geometries (i.e. XYZ and XYZM). It replaces the Z values by NaN, thus changing 3D coordinate sequences into 2D ones. And because the mapping of the measure (M) is based on a XYZ coordinate comparison, this measure is also lost for 4D geometries. I didn't test yet this method with the current OJ version, to see if it is linked to the JTS update or not.

I don't think that I can quickly solve it. So what I would suggest for now is to leave this problem aside. Then tomorrow / today, I'll remove the extra code I wrote to locate/fix this possible bug, and I'll push the changes I made locally. This way, you'll be able to access the OJ version (with JTS 1.17 but without WFS). If I have time, I'll also try to add a first script to automate the builds, probably using Travis.

Sorry to not have been able to push my local changes today / yesterday but I really tried to see what was happening with the MakeValidOp app.

For info, I also documented the changes I made during this second phase and how I made them (even if the results / diffs can be visible in the commits / logs). I'll add both documentation (svn to git migration and this one) as soon as it is ready.


On 15/08/2020 17:27, Michaud Michael wrote:

Thanks for you effort,

I pushed a small modification in the pom to test that I can access and compile the project. Could compile after that.

Was just a test, don't hesitate if you have to restart the process from scratch.


envoyé : 15 août 2020 à 12:36
de : Eric <eric.openj...@thefactory.io> <mailto:eric.openj...@thefactory.io> à : jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net <mailto:jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
objet : Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration

Hi Ede,

On 15/08/2020 11:19, edgar.sol...@web.de <mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:

On 15.08.2020 12:07, Eric wrote:

>> Hi all,>>
>> After 5-6 hours, the result of the migration is finally complete: https://github.com/openjump-gis/openjump-migration
>> It includes the commit history from revision 859 to 6242.

just checked, we'll lose some commits to the source this way. did you check if you could svn2git from rev.1 ? did it err out?

I'll try it next time from revision 1 as it would be a bit long to do it
again just now (it needs to run at night), and unnecessary within the
context of the JTS update.

>> I reinitialised the repository 'openjump-migration' to make easier this initial import, i.e. I deleted it and recreated a new one with the same name, but empty this time.
>> I'm now going to add a couple of files (gitignore, licence, readme, etc.) then I'll delete the WFS part as discussed, update the Maven configuration, update JTS and all related classes.

sounds good. remember to write down the steps, so we can recreate it in case we want/need to.

Don't worry, it is well documented. It also explains the reasons behind
some of the choices.

I just added a first gitignore file and the licence. I'm writing a
readme right now, then I'll convert the documentation about the
migration from txt to md. One step at a time.


thanks ..ede

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