get(String key) with a single parameter is already used as a static method, so 
it would be a bit confusing(static get(key) is the most frequently used method 
of I18N).
Also the deprecated getText method currently  has a static version and a non 
static version. None of them seem to be used in OpenJUMP.
Suggestion :
-keep get and getMessage as static methods only
-un-deprecate  getText(String) instance method
-add a two parameters getText instance method : getText(String,Object[])
-remove definitetely the deprecated static getText(String,String) method

Oh, just see in de.latlon.deejump.wfs.i18n that you can use getMessage(File 
file,...) to use a properties file located anywhere in your classpath. My first 
remark about having to name properties file "language/" is not 
true. Nice.
Also static getMessage(File,String,Object[]) is only used in wfs, and it is 
used in a derived class in order to remove the first argument. What about 
removing also this method (replaced by I18N(File).getText() as proposed above ?

String getText(Syting label)
String getText(Syting label, Object...objects)
static String get(Syting label) // legacy
static String getMessage(Syting label)
static String getMessage(Syting label, Object...objects)

must remove :
static getText(String,String)
could remove
static getMessage(File,String,Object...objects)


** [bugs:#501] I18N from extension**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** undecided
**Created:** Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:32 AM UTC by michael michaud
**Last Updated:** Mon Aug 31, 2020 03:55 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Ede, I prefer to document the usage of I18N in Extension in a separate ticket.
Here are two reasons which drove me to use a hack instead of the I18N class 
(indeed there is a third : I have been too lazy to try to fix the two former 
reasons) :
- using categoryPrefixOrPath with properties files in the classpath means files 
are in a subdirectory named language/jump (generally possible, but no much 
reason to be constrained like that);
- the only public method you can use to get a key in this case is  
getText(final String categoryPrefix, final String key). Currently, 
getMessage(final Object categoryPrefixOrPathOrI18n,
      final String label, final Object... objects) is private. Not sure if we 
must make it public or if we must use I18N instances in extensions instead of 
static methods. A class instance could avoid repeating the 
categoryPrefixOrPathOrI18n parameter again and again).
- indeed, we can create an instance of I18 for a particular extension, but we 
cannot really use it as most methods are static. For example, if I create an 
instance for myExtension, calling getMessage(final String label, final 
Object... objects) will not search keys in myExtension but in main openjump 
properties file 


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