On 9/14/2020 9:13, michael michaud wrote:
> Seems to me that Sextante Raster and Commons Imaging referencing are correct 
> and that other ones are shifted. I don't know why images loaded with Commons 
> Imaging are not referenced as others. Ede, any hint to help me understand 
> which loader uses which ImageFactory/ReferencedImage ?

uff, not really. will have to look at the source again as well. but out of the 
blue i'd say each framework is doing it independent from the other with 
GeoImage/ReferencedImage being the newest one and most elaborate, trying 
worldfile, gdal or geotiff to fetch referencing, not saying accurate though.

check package com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.imagery
where the sub packages contain the different "frameworks", which at least 
internally should reference the same way.

geoimg eg. does it in geoimg.GeoReferencedRaster.readRasterfile()
geotiff similarily in geotiff.GeoTIFFRaster.readRasterfile()
graphic (incl. Commons) does it during painting in 
graphic.AbstractGraphicImage.paint(Feature f, Graphics2D g, Viewport viewport)

imagio can be ignored, contains no ImageFactory but gdal readers. maybe we 
should move them somewhere else.

mrsid up to you ;)

rendering as well is independent in each framework and you might look at either 
patching the rendering, usually the paint() method or the envelope fetching.

something like that ..ede


** [bugs:#503] 1/2 pixel shift in image georeferencement**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** OJ_1.16
**Created:** Sun Sep 13, 2020 09:52 AM UTC by michael michaud
**Last Updated:** Mon Sep 14, 2020 07:13 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

There is still 1/2 pixel difference between image georeferenced with Sextant 
Raster reader and images georeferenced with other readers. I have not 
investigated yet and don't know which one is correct.


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