On 22.09.2020 18:20, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> Hi Ede,
> The changes I did:
> a) remove the reading of overviews as you suggested

why didn't you disable/comment the whole method?

> b) removed the usage of commons imaging to compute some metadata
> the reason is that those metadata  are already computed by method
> GeoReferencedRaster getGeoReferencedRaster(File tiffFile), except NoData,

exactly my reasoning

> I also removed dependency to common imaging to read NoData and used
> JAI for that purpose.

if it works, it works.

> TiFFField unofficially used by GDAL to store nodata is 42113 and it is
> basically an ASCII tag.

what do you mean my "unofficially"?

> https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/gtiff.html.
> I added (lefted) also the possibility that the tag is decode as byte or
> float to  prevent errors
> With the raster files that Roberto provided, only one throws a
> NumberFormatException (depit084)

you should log an error there with the value printed to debug the value. there 
is probably an easy fix!

>so I left a standard value (-99999.0D) in
> case the reading of NoData fails.


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