
Thanks for your detailed explanations about the 0.5 pixels shift. Hope I'll have time to tackle this next week,

In the last distribution (rev.4882, downloadable from sourceforge), you will be able to test the raster polygonizer I added (named "Mike")

Today, I tried to configure a brand new Eclipse installation to see how difficult it is to use github/maven from Eclipse.

I did not encounter so much difficulties.

Here is how I did, from Eclipse installation to OpenJUMP packaging with maven (I did not really try to use git from Eclipse) :

You may also clone OpenJUMP on your github group first :

1/ Eclipse downloading

Download Eclipse 2021.3 (Eclipse IDE for Java Developers)
I have chosen my java installation (AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-
Accept the Software User Agreement, then Launch

2/ Eclipse installation

Install Eclipse, Open it

Review IDE configuration settings : accept all proposed settings

choose : Checkout projects from Git

3/ Cloning OpenJUMP from Git

choose : Checkout projects from Git

(or later : File > Import > Git > Projects from Git)
Clone URI : copy this url (taken from github) :

or better, fork OpenJUMP on your site first and clone it from your site.
paste the URI to “URI” text field in the eclipse dialog box
-> all other text field are filled automatically except port and user/password
enter you github account user/password and store it in secure store
it will display all branches : you just need “main” branch, you can uncheck other branches
keep default Tag fetching strategy
Choose the destination directory and let other default options
ex. “openjump-eclipse”
Save phrase for your secure store
Import projects : check all subprojects : doc, source,...

3/Use Maven
File > Import > Select Maven/Existing Maven Projects
Select Root Folder (in my case : “openjump-eclipse”, see above)
the dialog box propose file : /pom.xml
Now in the package explorer, I have one more entry :
> OpenJUMP

To build/package the application, see also instructions from ede :
From your IDE,
Run > Run As > Maven Build... (the one with ... open the dialog to choose the goal)
In the dialog fill the two following fields :
Goals: package
Profiles: snapshot,portable

It should create the portable distro in your project target directory

Have fun,


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