This is expected behavior. Remember that l3vpn is meant to tunnel traffic
inside labels, and by default when ibgp NH is found in inet3, router knows
to push a label on it and send to remote PE. If NH were found to be the CE
address space, you have no tunnel built to it, therefore no label is pushed,
and 9 times out of 10, your router doesn't know how to route some remote
customers traffic.

See section 4.2.2 of rfc 2547 where this is explained.

Thanks and Regards,
Jake Bourgeois

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anton Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:09 AM
Subject: [j-nsp] EBGP multihop, prevent next-hop self on advertisement to an
IBGP peer

Hi all,

I am having a problem with a J series router. I have a network as below:


The ebgp session between R2 and R3 is a normal EBGP multihop session. 
Let us say that it is between a PE and another box located somewhere on 
the internet.

The mp-ibgp session between R1 and R2 is used for advertising vpnv4 

The BGP session between R2 and R3 terminates inside a VRF on R2.

My problem is that R2 is rewriting the next-hop for the routes from R3 
when it advertises them on to R1.

I am definitely not setting next-hop self anywhere on R2.

When I show received routes for the routes from R3, I get the following 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> show route receive-protocol bgp z.z.z.z
vrf-internet.inet.0: 216203 destinations, 363085 routes (216203 active, 
0 holddown, 2 hidden)
   Prefix                  Nexthop              MED     Lclpref    AS path
* x.x.x.x/19         z.z.z.z       0                  12345 I

At this stage, the next-hop, z.z.z.z is intact and is the desired 
next-hop that I want advertised on to R1.

When I show route extensive, things also *seem* (to me) to be ok 
(apologies if the following output is not very clean, I have also 
sanitised it a bit to replace IP addresses):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> show route table vrf-internet x.x.x.x/19 extensive
vrf-internet.inet.0: 216037 destinations, 362760 routes (216037 active, 
0 holddown, 2 hidden)
x.x.x.x/19 (1 entry, 1 announced)
Page 0 idx 0 Type 1 val c4b5f30
         *BGP    Preference: 170/-101
                 Next-hop reference count: 4
                 Source: z.z.z.z
                 Next hop: via fe-0/0/0.0, selected
                 Label operation: Push 493, Push 109(top)
                 Protocol next hop: z.z.z.z
                 Indirect next hop: 8884af8 264765
                 State: <Active Ext>
                 Peer AS: 12345
                 Age: 23:48:05   Metric: 0       Metric2: 1
                 Task: BGP_39532.z.z.z.z+37854
                 Announcement bits (3): 0-BGP RT Background 1-KRT 
2-Resolve tree 2
                 AS path: 12345I
                 Communities: 1234:1234
                 Localpref: 100
                 Router ID:
                 Indirect next hops: 1
                         Protocol next hop: z.z.z.z Metric: 1
                         Indirect next hop: 8884af8 264765
                         Indirect path forwarding next hops: 1
                                 Next hop: via fe-0/0/0.0
                Originating RIB: vrf-internet.inet.0
                           Metric: 1                       Node path 
count: 1
                           Indirect nexthops: 1
                                 Protocol Nexthop: Metric: 1 
Push 493
                                 Indirect nexthop: 89fae04 264578
                                 Indirect path forwarding nexthops: 1
                                         Nexthop: via 
                        Originating RIB: inet.3
                                   Metric: 1 
    Node path count: 1
                                   Forwarding nexthops: 1
                                         Nexthop: via 

The protocol next-hop looks correct, z.z.z.z.

However, when I show advertised routes towards R1, I see that the 
next-hop has been changed:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> show route advertising-protocol bgp 
x.x.x.x/19 extensive

vrf-internet.inet.0: 216241 destinations, 363161 routes (216241 active, 
0 holddown, 2 hidden)
* x.x.x.x/19 (1 entry, 1 announced)
  BGP group route-reflectors type Internal
      Route Distinguisher: 1111:1111
      VPN Label: 107440
      Nexthop: Self
      Flags: Nexthop Change
      MED: 0
      Localpref: 100
      AS path: [4321] 12345 I
      Communities: 1234:1234 target:1111:1111

Notice the lines that read "Nexthop: Self" and "Flags: Nexthop Change". 
The flag seems strange to me, does anybody know what it means?

Nowhere in my policies do I set next-hop self:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> show configuration | match next-hop


I have tried configuring, under the multihop bgp section, the parameter 
'no-nexthop-change' but this does not have any effect ( I have set this 
both for the ibgp group and the ebgp group to no avail ).

This behaviour seems unexpected to me - as though the box is 
automatically setting next-hop self for some reason. Normally in all of 
my experience (albeit with plain ibgp/ebgp setups) you need to 
explicitly turn on next-hop self.

Does anybody have any idea why this is happening? My suspicion is it is 
definitely something to do with multihop bgp.

Any help much appreciated, since at present I am completely stuck. And I 
am aware that under normal circumstances this would be desirable 
behaviour, but in this particular instance I have a specific requirement 
that the next-hop not be changed.

Best regards,

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