Guys.....Im trying to configure MLPPP link (over E1) between two Juniper
M10is in my test lab...and want to discover the possible load (CPU and
Memory) that can survive without any service intruption...but i got stuck in
one place...i have M10is with AS PIC installed. The scenario is very
simple....and i got success in creating MLPPP between all the routers but
one MLPPP fails...didn't allow me to PING interface OSPf...means
not functionining....folowing are the configuration and stats of those

interfaces e1-1/1/8

unit 0 {

    family mlppp {

        bundle lsq-0/2/0.2;



interfaces lsq-0/2/0

unit 2 {

    encapsulation multilink-ppp;

    family inet {





interfaces e1-1/0/0

unit 0 {

    family mlppp {

        bundle lsq-0/2/0.0;



interfaces lsq-0/2/0

unit 0 {

    encapsulation multilink-ppp;

    family inet {





*run show interfaces e1-1/1/8 extensive *

Physical interface: e1-1/1/8, Enabled, Physical link is Up

  Device flags   : Present Running

  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 16384

  Input errors:

    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Giants: 0, Policed
discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0,

    L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0,
SRAM errors: 0, Resource errors: 0

  Output errors:

    Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 958649, Aged packets: 0, MTU
errors: 0, Resource errors: 0

  Logical interface e1-1/1/8.0 (Index 148) (SNMP ifIndex 248) (Generation

    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: PPP

    Protocol mlppp, Multilink bundle: lsq-0/2/0.2, MTU: 1532, Generation:
741, Route table: 0

*run show interfaces lsq-0/2/0.2 extensive *

  Logical interface lsq-0/2/0.2 (Index 172) (SNMP ifIndex 272) (Generation

    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Multilink-PPP

    Bandwidth: 2048kbps

      Sequence number format          long (24 bits)

      Fragmentation threshold         0

      Links needed to sustain bundle  1

      Bundle status:

      Received sequence number        0xffffff         // sequence number
assigned look suspicious

      Transmit sequence number        0x24             //sequence number

      Packet drops                    0 (0 bytes)

      Fragment drops                  0 (0 bytes)

      MRRU exceeded                   0

      Fragment timeout                0

      Missing sequence number         0

      Out-of-order sequence number    0

      Out-of-range sequence number    0

      Packet data buffer overflow     0

      Fragment data buffer overflow   0

    Statistics         Frames        fps         Bytes          bps



        Input :             0          0             0            0 // No
Input traffic from R2 to R1

        Output:           655          0         99636         1104 // Only
Output traffic from R1 to R2


        Input :             0          0             0            0

        Output:           230          0         21067            0



        Input :             0          0             0            0 // No
Input traffic from R2 to R1

        Output:            59          0          9434         1104 // Only
Output traffic from R1 to R2

    Protocol inet, MTU: 1532, Generation: 742, Route table: 0

      Flags: None

      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary

        Destination:, Local: , Broadcast: Unspecified,
Generation: 476

    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1520, Generation: 703, Route table: 0

      Flags: None


*run show interfaces e1-1/0/0 extensive *

Physical interface: e1-1/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up

  Device flags   : Present Running

  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 16384

  Input errors:

    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Giants: 0, Policed
discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0,

    L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 1, HS link CRC errors: 0,
SRAM errors: 0, Resource errors: 0

  Output errors:

    Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Aged packets: 0, MTU
errors: 0, Resource errors: 0

  Logical interface e1-1/0/0.0 (Index 116) (SNMP ifIndex 144) (Generation

    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: PPP

    Protocol mlppp, Multilink bundle: lsq-0/2/0.0, MTU: 1532, Generation:
219, Route table: 0

*run show interfaces lsq-0/2/0.0 extensive ***

  Logical interface lsq-0/2/0.0 (Index 119) (SNMP ifIndex 149) (Generation

    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Multilink-PPP

    Bandwidth: 2048kbps

    Bundle options:

      Sequence number format          long (24 bits)

    Bundle status:

      Received sequence number        0x0       // Sequence number not

      Transmit sequence number        0x0       // Sequence number not

      Packet drops                    0 (0 bytes)

      Fragment drops                  0 (0 bytes)

      MRRU exceeded                   0

      Fragment timeout                0

      Missing sequence number         0

      Out-of-order sequence number    0

      Out-of-range sequence number    0

      Packet data buffer overflow     0

      Fragment data buffer overflow   0

    Statistics         Frames        fps         Bytes          bps



        Input :           667          0         99143          512  // Only
Input Traffic from R1 to R2

        Output:             0          0             0            0  // No
Output traffic from R2 to r1


        Input :             0          0             0            0

        Output:            22          0          1056            0



        Input :            71          0         10729          512  // Only
Input Traffic from R1 to R2

        Output:             0          0             0            0  // No
Output traffic from R2 to R1

    Protocol inet, MTU: 1532, Generation: 220, Route table: 0

      Flags: None

      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary

        Destination:, Local: , Broadcast: Unspecified,
Generation: 216

    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1520, Generation: 217, Route table: 0

      Flags: None


*R1 End:*

run ping

PING 56 data bytes


--- ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

*R2 End:*

run ping

PING ( 56 data bytes


--- ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

*R2 LOGS:*

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 /kernel: [mlppp] e1-1/0/0.0 joins lsq-0/2/0.0

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 /kernel: [mlppp] e1-1/0/0.0 of lsq-0/2/0.0 is up

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT <UpDown> e1-1/0/0.0 index 116 <Up
Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 mib2d[2978]: SNMP_TRAP_LINK_UP: ifIndex 144,
ifAdminStatus up(1), ifOperStatus up(1), ifName e1-1/0/0.0

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 mib2d[2978]: SNMP_TRAP_LINK_UP: ifIndex 149,
ifAdminStatus up(1), ifOperStatus up(1), ifName lsq-0/2/0.0

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT <Bandwidth UpDown> lsq-0/2/0.0 index
119 <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> address #0

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119 <Up
Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119 <Up
Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119> <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT <> lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119 <Up Broadcast
PointToPoint Multicast> address #0

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119 <Broadcast
PointToPoint Multicast>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119> <Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast Localup>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT <> lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119 <Up Broadcast
PointToPoint Multicast> address #0

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119 <Up
Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast>

Jun  4 14:07:15  R2 rpd[2980]: EVENT UpDown lsq-0/2/0.0 index 119> <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast>

Logs and stats shows MLPPP link is UP and Running but it wont work....from
R1 number of other MLPPP link are runining with the same configuration...but
with R2 this is the first MLPPP link..and it fails...this can be due to AS
PIC but AS PIC is just fine as there is no logs regarding AS PIC.....also i
am successfully runing GRE tunneling between R1 and R2 using the same AS

Kindly check


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