Hello all,

I have a M320 in production and around 7800 entries in its MAC address table. I 
am not sure if this is the right command to type in but here is its current 
memory state. However, I couldn't tell you in which type of memory the router 
stores this MAC address table.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> show system virtual-memory 
Memory statistics by bucket size
Size   In Use   Free   Requests  HighWater  Couldfree
  16   201213   2051  213665014    1280        140
  32    19637     75   71773398     640      99635
  64   464450 101758   96205695     320       4561
 128    11748   2684   10871433     160        296
 256     9406   2786    8757101      80       1765
 512      169      7   17273697      40          0
  1K       39      5     422559      20          0
  2K       81    209       4026      10       1375
  4K      190      1     261667       5          0
  8K       39      3       2842       5          0
 16K       29      0        113       5          0
 32K        5      0       1963       5          0
 64K       16      0         16       5          0
128K        3      0          3       5          0
256K        5      0          5       5          0
512K        2      0          2       5          0

Memory usage type by bucket size
Size  Type(s)
  16  uc_devlist, nexusdev, iftable, temp, devbuf, atexit, COS, BPF,
          DEVFS mount, DEVFS node, vnodes, mount, pcb, soname, proc-args, kld,
          MD disk, rman, ATA generic, bus, sysctloid, sysctl, pfestat, ifstate,
          pfe_ipc, mkey, rtable, ifmaddr, ipfw, rnode, rtnexthop
  32  atkbddev, dirrem, mkdir, diradd, freefile, freefrag, indirdep,
          bmsafemap, newblk, temp, devbuf, tseg_qent, COS, vnodes,
          cluster_save buffer, pcb, soname, proc-args, sigio, kld, Gzip trees,
          taskqueue, SWAP, eventhandler, bus, sysctloid, sysctl, uidinfo,
          subproc, pgrp, ippool, pfestat, itable32, ifstate, pfe_ipc, mkey,
          rtable, ifmaddr, ipfw, ifstat, ifdevice, tagnh, rnode, rtnexthop
  64  isadev, ip6ndp, MFS node, allocindir, allocdirect, pagedep, temp,
          devbuf, lockf, COS, NULLFS hash, DEVFS name, vnodes,
          cluster_save buffer, vfscache, pcb, soname, proc-args, file,
          AR driver, AD driver, Gzip trees, rman, eventhandler, bus, sysctloid,
          sysctl, subproc, pfestat, pic, ifstate, pfe_ipc, mkey, ifaddr,
          rtable, ipfw, rnode, ingrentry, inifmulti, rtnexthop
 128  ZONE, freeblks, inodedep, temp, devbuf, zombie, COS, DEVFS node,
          vnodes, mount, vfscache, pcb, soname, proc-args, ttys, dev_t,
          timecounter, kld, Gzip trees, ISOFS node, bus, uidinfo, cred,
          session, pic, itable16, ifstate, pfe_ipc, mkey, rtable, ipfw, ifstat,
          tagnh, metrics, rtnexthop, iffamily
 256  iflogical, iftable, MFS node, FFS node, newblk, temp, devbuf,
          NFS daemon, vnodes, proc-args, kqueue, file desc, Gzip trees, bus,
          subproc, itable16, ifstate, pfe_ipc, sysctl, rtable, ipfw, ifstat,
          rnode, rtnexthop, iffamily
 512  iflogical, UFS mount, temp, devbuf, mount, BIO buffer, ptys, ttys,
          AR driver, Gzip trees, ISOFS mount, msg, ioctlops, ATA generic, bus,
          proc, pfestat, lr, ifstate, pfe_ipc, rtable, ipfw, ifstat, rtnexthop
  1K  iftable, temp, devbuf, NQNFS Lease, COS, kqueue, kld, AD driver,
          Gzip trees, sem, MD disk, bus, ifstate, pfe_ipc, mkey, ipfw
  2K  uc_devlist, iflogical, UFS mount, temp, devbuf, BIO buffer, pcb,
          AR driver, Gzip trees, ioctlops, bus, ipfw, rcache
  4K  memdesc, iftable, UFS mount, temp, devbuf, kld, Gzip trees, sem, msg,
          bus, ipfw, ifstat
  8K  iflogical, UFS mount, temp, devbuf, syncache, Gzip trees
 16K  indirdep, temp, devbuf, shm, msg
 32K  devbuf, kld, Gzip trees
 64K  pagedep, devbuf
128K  VM pgdata, MSDOSFS mount, kld
256K  mbuf, UFS ihash, inodedep, NFS hash, ISOFS mount
512K  vfscache, SWAP

Memory statistics by type                          Type  Kern
        Type  InUse MemUse HighUse  Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
       isadev    13     1K      1K291840K       13    0     0  64
     atkbddev     2     1K      1K291840K        2    0     0  32
   uc_devlist    24     3K      3K291840K       24    0     0  16,2K
     nexusdev     5     1K      1K291840K        5    0     0  16
      memdesc     1     4K      4K291840K        1    0     0  4K
         mbuf     1   176K    176K291840K        1    0     0  256K
    iflogical    51   101K    119K291840K       61    0     0  256,512,2K,8K
      iftable    16     9K      9K291840K       16    0     0  16,256,1K,4K
       ip6ndp     0     0K      1K291840K        4    0     0  64
         ZONE    15     2K      2K291840K       15    0     0  128
    VM pgdata     1   128K    128K291840K        1    0     0  128K
    UFS mount    15    37K     37K291840K       15    0     0  512,2K,4K,8K
    UFS ihash     1   256K    256K291840K        1    0     0  256K
     MFS node   249    62K     66K291840K      775    0     0  64,256
     FFS node   590   148K    148K291840K     7049    0     0  256
       dirrem     0     0K      2K291840K     7475    0     0  32
        mkdir     0     0K      1K291840K        8    0     0  32
       diradd     0     0K      2K291840K     7477    0     0  32
     freefile     0     0K      1K291840K     6255    0     0  32
     freeblks     0     0K      1K291840K      167    0     0  128
     freefrag     0     0K      1K291840K     1123    0     0  32
   allocindir     0     0K     18K291840K     6494    0     0  64
     indirdep     0     0K     17K291840K      240    0     0  32,16K
  allocdirect     0     0K      1K291840K     2943    0     0  64
    bmsafemap     0     0K      1K291840K     6451    0     0  32
       newblk     1     1K      1K291840K     9438    0     0  32,256
     inodedep     1   256K    264K291840K    20184    0     0  128,256K
      pagedep     1    64K     65K291840K     6241    0     0  64,64K
         temp  1226    91K    106K291840K  1153815    0     0  
       devbuf   421  2157K   2157K291840K      870    0     0  
        lockf    40     3K      3K291840K  1528418    0     0  64
       atexit    15     1K      1K291840K       15    0     0  16
       zombie     0     0K      1K291840K   291118    0     0  128
     NFS hash     1   256K    256K291840K        1    0     0  256K
  NQNFS Lease     1     1K      1K291840K        1    0     0  1K
   NFS daemon     1     1K      1K291840K        1    0     0  256
     syncache     1     8K      8K291840K        1    0     0  8K
    tseg_qent     0     0K      1K291840K       70    0     0  32
          COS    76    23K     25K291840K       84    0     0  16,32,64,128,1K
          BPF    83     2K      2K291840K       83    0     0  16
MSDOSFS mount     1   128K    128K291840K        1    0     0  128K
  NULLFS hash     1     1K      1K291840K        1    0     0  64
  DEVFS mount     2     1K      1K291840K        2    0     0  16
   DEVFS name   515    33K     33K291840K      515    0     0  64
   DEVFS node   501    61K     61K291840K      508    0     0  16,128
       vnodes    28     7K      7K291840K      429    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
        mount    15     8K      8K291840K       17    0     0  16,128,512
cluster_save buffer     0     0K      1K291840K      244    0     0  32,64
     vfscache  1901   631K    631K291840K    10522    0     0  64,128,512K
   BIO buffer    36    72K    518K291840K     1270    0     0  512,2K
          pcb   165    16K     17K291840K   156743    0     0  16,32,64,128,2K
       soname    83    10K     11K291840K118997991    0     0  16,32,64,128
    proc-args    55     2K      3K291840K   675024    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
         ptys    32    16K     16K291840K       32    0     0  512
         ttys   187    25K     58K291840K     7557    0     0  128,512
       kqueue     4     2K      4K291840K    80675    0     0  256,1K
        sigio     1     1K      1K291840K       62    0     0  32
         file   416    26K     30K291840K  8314502    0     0  64
    file desc    74    19K     23K291840K   291330    0     0  256
          shm     1    12K     12K291840K        1    0     0  16K
        dev_t   297    38K     38K291840K      297    0     0  128
  timecounter    10     2K      2K291840K       10    0     0  128
          kld    11   121K    126K291840K       34    0     0  
    AR driver     1     1K      3K291840K        5    0     0  64,512,2K
    AD driver     2     2K      3K291840K    85035    0     0  64,1K
   Gzip trees     0     0K     46K291840K   140461    0     0  
   ISOFS node  1096   137K    137K291840K     1096    0     0  128
  ISOFS mount     8   260K    260K291840K        8    0     0  512,256K
          sem     3     6K      6K291840K        3    0     0  1K,4K
      MD disk     2     2K      2K291840K        2    0     0  16,1K
          msg     4    25K     25K291840K        4    0     0  512,4K,16K
         rman    72     5K      5K291840K      440    0     0  16,64
     ioctlops     0     0K      2K291840K      951    0     0  512,2K
    taskqueue     2     1K      1K291840K        2    0     0  32
         SWAP     2   549K    549K291840K        2    0     0  32,512K
  ATA generic     6     3K      3K291840K        6    0     0  16,512
 eventhandler    19     1K      1K291840K       19    0     0  32,64
          bus   434    36K     36K291840K     1145    0     0  
    sysctloid    29     2K      2K291840K       29    0     0  16,32,64
       sysctl     0     0K      1K291840K 16474093    0     0  16,32,64
      uidinfo     4     1K      1K291840K   210316    0     0  32,128
         cred    15     2K      4K291840K  1875757    0     0  128
      subproc   150    10K     13K291840K   795074    0     0  32,64,256
         proc     2     1K      1K291840K        2    0     0  512
      session    11     2K      4K291840K   212680    0     0  128
         pgrp    11     1K      1K291840K   212708    0     0  32
       ippool     1     1K      1K291840K        1    0     0  32
      pfestat     0     0K      1K291840K  2391302    0     0  16,32,64,512
          pic     5     1K      1K291840K        5    0     0  64,128
           lr     1     1K      1K291840K        1    0     0  512
     itable32   119     4K      4K291840K      119    0     0  32
     itable16   370    76K     78K291840K      385    0     0  128,256
      ifstate238665 15466K  26395K291840K 52956045    0     0  
      pfe_ipc     0     0K      1K291840K174442553    0     0  
         mkey   282     5K      6K291840K   500369    0     0  16,32,64,128,1K
       ifaddr    40     3K      3K291840K       52    0     0  64
       sysctl     0     0K      1K291840K       35    0     0  256
       rtable230027 14388K  14498K291840K 18543744    0     0  
      ifmaddr   137     4K      4K291840K      137    0     0  16,32
         ipfw    34    24K     28K291840K       76    0     0  
       ifstat   171   249K    249K291840K      179    0     0  32,128,256,512,4K
     ifdevice     2     1K      1K291840K        2    0     0  32
        tagnh   298    26K     37K291840K     9041    0     0  32,128
       rcache     4     8K      8K291840K        4    0     0  2K
        rnode219096  3725K   3752K291840K 10637467    0     0  16,32,64,256
    ingrentry     6     1K      1K291840K        6    0     0  64
    inifmulti     2     1K      1K291840K        2    0     0  64
      metrics     4     1K      1K291840K     3088    0     0  128
    rtnexthop  8624  2056K   2754K291840K  8150269    0     0  
     iffamily    83    13K     14K291840K       91    0     0  128,256

Memory Totals:  In Use       Free    Requests
                42084K      7881K    419239534


PIPE:            192,        0,      6,     79,  1164380
SWAPMETA:        160,   233016,      0,      0,        0
unpcb:           160,        0,    119,     56,   231032
ripcb:           192,    30000,      7,     35,       63
syncache:        128,    15359,      0,     64,    37309
tcpcb:           576,    30000,     23,     19,    37492
udpcb:           192,    30000,     14,     28,   192528
socket:          256,    30000,    256,     64,   499621
KNOTE:            96,        0,     43,     83,      476
NFSNODE:         352,        0,      0,      0,        0
NFSMOUNT:        544,        0,      0,      0,        0
VNODE:           224,        0,   9676,     61,     9676
NAMEI:          1024,        0,      0,     16, 17192926
VMSPACE:         192,        0,     55,     73,   291171
PROC:            448,        0,     70,     65,   291188
DP fakepg:        64,        0,      0,      0,        0
PV ENTRY:         28,  1473902, 110000, 414151, 226163407
MAP ENTRY:        48,        0,   1377,   1131, 69552056
KMAP ENTRY:       48,    44459,    228,    156,  1182089
MAP:             108,        0,      7,      3,        7
VM OBJECT:        92,        0,   2440,    728, 10081293

337649840 cpu context switches
1591419183 device interrupts
 71448921 software interrupts
 68975924 traps
3251654479 system calls
       15 kernel threads created
   285734  fork() calls
     5439 vfork() calls
        0 rfork() calls
        0 swap pager pageins
        0 swap pager pages paged in
        0 swap pager pageouts
        0 swap pager pages paged out
      391 vnode pager pageins
      497 vnode pager pages paged in
     2646 vnode pager pageouts
     8576 vnode pager pages paged out
        0 page daemon wakeups
        0 pages examined by the page daemon
      175 pages reactivated
 17663246 copy-on-write faults
        0 copy-on-write optimized faults
 10527332 zero fill pages zeroed
  9773105 zero fill pages prezeroed
       88 intransit blocking page faults
 83929572 total VM faults taken
        0 pages affected by kernel thread creation
 17521648 pages affected by  fork()
   463287 pages affected by vfork()
        0 pages affected by rfork()
 31179249 pages freed
        0 pages freed by daemon
 20241280 pages freed by exiting processes
    26540 pages active
    70979 pages inactive
       25 pages in VM cache
    27640 pages wired down
   388614 pages free
     4096 bytes per page
 72609635 total name lookups
          cache hits (94% pos + 5% neg) system 0% per-directory
          deletions 0%, falsehits 0%, toolong 0%
interrupt                   total       rate
mux irq10               338037847         61
fxp0 irq11                      2          0
ata0 irq14                1197165          0
sio0 irq4                     343          0
clk irq0                549185056         99
rtc irq8                702998770        128
Total                  1591419183        289

Best regards, 

Alain Iltchev

-----Message d'origine-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de David Ball
Envoyé : mercredi 27 juin 2007 17:20
À : juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net
Objet : [j-nsp] MAC table size experience w/VPLS

  I have 5 x T640s running JunOS 8.2 and am adding some 10/100
aggregation switches.  These switches would be in a ring (say, 3 of
them per ring) and 2 of those switches would have gig uplinks to
different T640s.  The switches would run a version of spanning tree
(likely RSTP, unless they can do PVST).  Dunno if the format will look
right for everyone, but it should resemble:

    |                  |
         \         /

A 10/100 customer would connect to a switch, traffic would be QinQ'd
(stacked VLANd) up to the Juniper, where the top tag would be pop'd,
and they would be dumped into a VPLS routing-instance.
   While T640s have 2GB of memory, I find myself worrying about long
term memory problems due to MAC table sizes as more customers are
added over time.  I imagine this is very case specific and obviously
depends on what else the 640s are doing, but does anyone have any
real-world examples of how they mitigated MAC table size issues with a
growing customer base?  I realize there are ways of setting mac table
sizes and aging times, but  is this generally how it's done?  Anyone
noticed their MAC tables taking up a lot of memory, and if so, how
much and for how many customers (roughly) ?
   We're early in our deployment and I'm trying to make sure it's done
right the first time.  Thanks for any thoughts/experiences you might

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