On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 09:32:50AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > What is the difference between a P-1GE-SX and the -B revision of the card?
> Rev B PICs can do l2circuit (Martini tunnel) and a few other things
> that the previous revision cannot.

Actually there is no difference in the l2circuits persay, what the -B card 
adds is the ability to do vlan-ccc encapsulation. This is commonly USED on 
l2circuit terminations (or regular ccc for that matter), so you can run it 
to a subinterface and do multiple l2circuits (or mixed l2circuits and 
regular L3 routing, etc) on a single physical interface. You can always do 
l2circuits to an untagged GE interface on any rev card.

Only the single-port GE-SX cards were ever produced without this 
functionality, so if it isn't a P[EB]-1GE-SX it is automatically equiv to 
the GE-SX-B (LX, LH, 2GE, 4GE, etc).

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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