On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Eric Van Tol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> This is enabled by default.  All SNMP ifindexes are contained within a
>> file called /var/db/dcd.snmp_ix.  These do not change through reboots
>> unless you replace an RE or something happens to the file system to
>> wipe out this file.
> Is there any list of files like this that are outside the normal config
> but contain useful/important data that you might not want lost on RE
> replacement or such?  For example, there is also /etc/ssh/*key*.

Looking at what gets logged when you plug in another RE and enable 
graceful-switchover gives these hints:

rshd[81155]: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as root: cmd='rcp -T -p -f /config/juniper.conf'
rshd[81158]: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as root: cmd='rcp -T -f //var/etc/stp_context.id'
rshd[81161]: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as root: cmd='rcp -T -f /var/db/dcd.snmp_ix'
rshd[81164]: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as root: cmd='rcp -r -T -f /etc/ssh'

sometimes also this gets synced:

rshd[81167]: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as root: cmd='rcp -T -f 

The list of files evolves over time, e.g. the STP contexts was added 
rather recently due to L2 additions.

(Maybe this these things should be added to the Juniper cluepon wiki 
-- any volunteers?)

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings
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