> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:36:46 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Justin M. Streiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 14 Apr 2008, M.Mihailidis wrote:
> > Hello anyone know what are the minimum hardware requirements for M320 to
> > power up?
> This information is readily available on Juniper's website.
> http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/m_series_routing_portfolio/index.html

I think you read this a bit differently than I. I think the issue was
how few components are required to power up and boot an RE in an M320. 

I don't know the answer, but I bet no FPCs or PICs are required. At
least one power supply and one RE. Not sure about other things like how
many fan modules are needed or if a CFEB is required.

Of course, this is just to get the box to power on, not to make it do
anything with a network. 

And, maybe you got it right and I miss the point.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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