On 6 May 2008, at 09:38, Ilker YILMAZ wrote:

> Dear Group,
> We've 2 M10i routers and many J4350s each have 256 MB RAMs. We're  
> plannig to
> upgrade them but total cost of RAM upgrade almost around 25.000 USDs.
> Basically i need your field expriences using another vendor's error- 
> free
> compatible RAMs. What kind of RAM i may use and which vendor can  
> supply this
> RAMs?

We have been using Crucial part # CT32M72S4D7E in our M7i's for over a  
year without problems.

We've also used Crucial in our J4350's again without problems but I  
don't have the part # to hand.

In fact, the stuff we ordered came with an identical sticker /  
appearance to the original Juniper RAM...


Andy Harding
Internet Connections Ltd

Phone: 0870 803 1868
Mobile: 07813 975 459
Fax: 0870 803 1781
Web: www.inetc.co.uk

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