* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard A Steenbergen) [Wed 21 May 2008, 22:54 CEST]:
>Of course it would be remarkably easy for Ethernet to be extended to 
>support higher data speeds without any real change in the structure or 
>encoding, just like FC has managed to go from 1G to 2G to 4G with the same 
>backwards compatible ports. Unfortunately the IEEE has its collective head 
>so far up its collective ass that nothing this useful will ever be 
>standardized, but there are actuall some folks (like Broadcom) making 
>non-standard "2.5 Gigabit Ethernet" products for certain applications. :)

Yes, because what the world needs is more standards to choose from 
when it comes to interconnection.

And adding more workload to the IEEE's standardisation process is 
going to result in more standards in a shorter time.  Yes indeed.

(Weren't you the one giving a presentation on the Cambrian 
explosion-like amount of 10GbE pluggable optics form factors 
at the last NANOG meeting?)

        -- Niels.

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