And I thought privacy concerns were bad enough with all these apps on
my PC dialing "home", now I have to worry about my routers doing it
too? ;)

On 7/28/08, Doug Marschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Although it won't solve all your problems, I think Juniper is trying to
> solve some of these issues with their AIS product.
> frameset.htm
> Basically a way to have some proactive and reactive cases automatically
> opened via scripts that are running on the router.
> I have tested it, and it seems pretty cool, we'll see if it works! :)
> Doug Marschke
> Principal Technologist
> Strategic Networks Training
> (415)902-5702
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard A
> Steenbergen
> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 8:47 PM
> To: David Ball
> Cc: Eric Van Tol;; matthew zeier
> Subject: Re: [j-nsp] Juniper support vs. Cisco TAC - experiences?
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 06:25:07PM -0600, David Ball wrote:
>>   Another thing which I (and surely most of you) try to do is inundate
>> them with data when opening a case right at the get-go, in hopes of
>> avoiding the mundane questions Richard alluded to.  Not just a 'req
>> sup info', but attach any core files (/var/crash I think), many of the
>> log files found in /var/log/ (not just 'messages'), the 'traceoptions'
>> log for the problem/protocol/interface you're working on, a network
>> diagram, and a rediculously detailed explanation of precisely what
>> you're seeing, what else you've tried during troubleshooting, and what
>> those results were.  It will take much longer to open the ticket, but
>> in my experience it shaves days off the resolution time.  I've even
>> had a JTAC person reply with 'wow, thanks for all the great
>> information when opening the ticket...I'm escalating to ATAC now' when
>> they realized the issue was clearly out of their comfort zone.
> I have an op script which helps with some of this monotony by uploading
> log files to the FTP site (*), but there are a few nagging software
> issues
> which keep it from being a "good" solution. For example, there is no
> scriptable command to MKDIR on an ftp site, nor is there a way to run a
> CLI command and save the results to a temp file (in non-XML format) so
> you
> can upload it. Why do you need this? For example, "show config | display
> omit | display inheritence | display commit", since 99% of regular JTAC
> is
> completely incapable of understanding commit scripts, group inheritence,
> or apply-flags omit. At best you get to run a few commands manually,
> save
> them to temp files in known locations, and then use the script to
> automate
> a few upload commands.
> This particular issue is actually my primary example of why having such
> wonderful op script functionality can sometimes be a bad thing. I've
> been
> trying to submit a feature request to get a built in method to securely
> upload support information for literally years now, and with the
> addition
> of op scripts the universal cop-out is "we don't need to do this, you
> can
> do it yourself with op scripts". Sounds great in theory, except that you
> can't actually do most of the work required due to a few missing
> commands.
> Requiring an op script also puts the functionality beyond the reach of
> the
> vast majority of users, who don't happen to be reading this list or
> browsing But even more importantly, I wonder how
> many
> people actually stop to think about the security of the data they are
> transmitting over the wire. Not only are you uploadig the entire
> contents
> of your router's configuration in plain-text, but often times you are
> trasmitting the entire contents of your memory as part of core dumps. If
> someone wanted to do some industrial espionage its hard to think of a
> better place to start than by intercepting some packets going to
> A proper JUNOS implementation, in addition to being
> able
> to upload all kinds of things that you can't do with op scripts, would
> distribute the public key cert file for Juniper's ftp server as part of
> JUNOS, then sftp the data securely.
> Op scripts are great things, but sometimes they aren't a substitute for
> the real thing, and this would be so simple to implement and beneficial
> for users that it absolutely boggles the mind why it keeps getting
> rejected.
> At any rate, here is the not-really-working-well version of the script
> if
> anyone wants to play with it. FYI the point of the temp file is so that
> you can grab files off of any RE, including the "other RE" which might
> not
> have connectivity to anythig except the active RE via TNP. Another good
> addition would be the uploading of an arbitrary file, or the uploading
> of
> the results of arbitrary pfe commands, incase you need to gather more
> data
> than the default log files. I thought I had uploaded this to
> but I must have been waiting until I could get it
> fixed. :)
> version 1.0;
> ns junos = "*/junos";;
> ns xnm = "";;
> ns jcs = "";;
> import "../import/junos.xsl";
> template upload($file, $dest) {
>     var $filename = jcs:regex("[^\/]+$", $file)[1];
>     var $destfile =  $hostname _ "." _ $filename;
>     var $tmpfile = "/tmp/" _ $filename _ "XXXFIXMEWITHREALTMPNAME";
>     /* Copy specified file to a temporary local location */
>     var $copy_temp = {
>         <file-copy> {
>             <source> $file;
>             <destination> $tmpfile;
>         }
>     }
>     var $results_temp = jcs:invoke($copy_temp);
>     <output> $results_temp;
>     /* Upload file from temp location to the remote server */
>     var $copy_upload = {
>         <file-copy> {
>             <source> $tmpfile;
>             <destination> $dest _ "/" _ $destfile;
>         }
>     }
>     <output> "Uploading " _ $filename _ " to " _ $dest;
>     var $results_upload = jcs:invoke($copy_upload);
>     <output> $results_upload;
>     /* Clean up the mess left behind */
>     var $delete = {
>         <file-delete> {
>             <path> $tmpfile;
>         }
>     }
>     var $results_delete = jcs:invoke($delete);
> }
> /* Requires JUNOS 8.4+, and still doesn't work right */
> template save($data, $file) {
>     var $put = {
>         <file-put> {
>             <filename> $file;
>             <encoding> "ascii";
>             <file-contents> $data;
>         }
>     }
>     var $results_put = jcs:invoke($put);
>     <output> "Debug: " _ $results_put;
> }
> var $arguments = {
>     <argument> {
>         <name> "destination";
>         <description> "Destination Path";
>     }
>     <argument> {
>         <name> "case";
>         <description> "Juniper Support Case Number";
>     }
>     <argument> {
>         <name> "routing-engine";
>         <description> "Routing Engine";
>     }
> }
> param $case;
> param $destination;
> param $routing-engine;
> /* Set defaults for some arguments */
> var $dest = jcs:first-of($destination,
> "";);
> /* XXX Fix this with "which RE am I" code */
> var $re = jcs:first-of($routing-engine, "re0");
> match / {
>     <op-script-results> {
>         if ($case) {
>             <output> "Automated version currently unsupported, run these
> first:";
>             <output> "request support information | save /tmp/support";
>             <output> "show config | display omit | display commit | save
> /tmp/config";
>             /*
>             var $support = jcs:invoke('get-support-information');
>             var $config  = jcs:invoke('get-configuration');
>             call save($support, "/tmp/support");
>             call save($config, "/tmp/config");
>             */
>             call upload($file = $re _ ":/tmp/support", $dest = $dest _
> $case);
>             call upload($file = $re _ ":/tmp/config", $dest = $dest _
> $case);
>             call upload($file = $re _ ":/var/log/messages", $dest =
> $dest _ $case);
>             call upload($file = $re _ ":/var/log/chassisd", $dest =
> $dest _ $case);
>         } else {
>             <xnm:error> {
>                 <message> "Juniper Support Case Number argument
> required.";
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> (*) If you can even get them to look at the FTP site. I still run into
> JTAC people who don't know it exists, don't know how to check it, or
> insist that you copy and paste everything into an email attachment or
> webpage upload form anyways. Also beware of large file handlig, I know
> for
> certain that whatever method they use to access the FTP site contents
> doesn't handle un-tgz'ing a kernel coredump from an RE with 4GB of ram
> (well that and regular JTAC doesn't know what a .tgz is, but I'll stop
> complaining about them for today :P).
> --
> Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1
> 2CBC)
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