Hello .. 

I have a router m10i with two routing engines.The router Engine in the 
slot 0 is as a Backup  . The RE in Slot 1 is the Master.

Routing Engine status:
  Slot 0:
    Current state                  Backup
    Election priority              Master
    Temperature                 29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
    CPU temperature             26 degrees C / 78 degrees F
    DRAM                       768 MB
    Memory utilization          25 percent
    CPU utilization:
      User                       0 percent
      Background                 0 percent
      Kernel                     1 percent
      Interrupt                  0 percent
      Idle                      99 percent
    Model                          RE-5.0
    Serial ID                      1000482755
    Start time                     2007-10-15 08:47:13 CST
    Uptime                         339 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes, 15 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] run show chassis hardware | match Routing 
Routing Engine 0 REV 09   740-009459   1000482755        RE-5.0
Routing Engine 1 REV 09   740-009459   1000482737        RE-5.0

Now i want to change the REs  for other routing engine with more capacity 
for Memoria RAM. 

 My new RE is :

Routing Engine 0 REV 06   740-011202   1000687885        RE-850

This RE has 1.5GB of  capacity for RAM .

I want to make the next procedure :
- Remove from the slot 0 the old RE-5.0  ( my backup RE)
- Insert in the slot 0 the new RE-850
- make a commit synchronize 
- make a request chassis routing-engine master switch 

I hope interrupt the traffic only for a 2 or 3 minutes.  ( with the switch 
between the REs)

my question is if you know .. could i have a problem with incompatibility 
with between the REs .. when i execute the commnads .. "commit 
synchronize" or "request chassis routing-engine master switch"   ... both 
REs are for M10 i routers .   I have the new RE with the same Junos 
version   ( JUNOS 8.2R2.4) than the old REs.

thanks so much for your comments.


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