Marlon Duksa wrote:
Thanks Sean! Please see in-line:

> Don't do it on the RE, unless you want problems.

Marlon: But would this be an option if I wanted to? It seems to me that this is not even an option.
only for GRE or IP-IP for instance ... but don't do it .. you may screw up your protocols.

    I also remember running VPLS without it (no-tunneling-service
    command). Why
    do I need this tunneling mode  than on MX?

You don't - you can also run in no-tunnel mode

Marlon: That's exactly my point. Why don't I need it? What benefit do I get if I use it vs not? If I don't need it for VPLS, then maybe I don't need it for bunch of other stuff? Where is the delineation?
Thanks again.

what other stuff ? You need it for NG-multicast , draft-rosen, some multicast functionality as explained before .... but "most" features do not need a tunnel PIC.

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