Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
I found several instances of 10g interfaces with a metric of 10, 20g ae
interfaces with metric 5, 30g ae with a metric of 3, etc, but I also
found a 30g ae with a metric of 5. The only excuse I can come up with
for this behavior is something is being calculated with a reference bandwidth of 100g and the isis metric isn't refreshing if the ae bandwidth changes (i.e. another member is added to lacp). Of course it could be something completely different, but thats the only theory I have which fits the facts.

this is my current interpretation:

-you basically want the auto-bw knob to work when exporting
 non-igp-if direct routes, plus you want the metric calculator
 to also honor ae dynamic bandwidth information.

can you mark all the testcases with 'X'
that appears to be broken in your setup ?

           | no auto-bw | auto-bw | auto-bw + ae
    igp-if |     ok     |   ok    |     ok
non-igp-if |      ?     |    X    |     X

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