On 23/01/2010 14:22, Muhammad Aamir wrote:
> We are planning to go with IPv6; currently we have all Junipers in the Core.
> I just want to know does juniper supports all features related to IPv6.
> Anybody faced any problem while configuring IPv6 on their Juniper routers.
> Does JUNOS (version 9.4) have any bug related to IPv6?  All comments are
> really appreciated.

When we are approached to do a Juniper rollout for a new network, we try
to get customers to dual stack right away - getting them to do this at
the start will save them money in the future on later change work.

You don't mention which platform.  In addition to RAS's comments, if you
are unfortunate enough to run JSeries/ES 9.4 rather than straight Junos,
then you need to remember to set packet mode for the inet6 family.
There again, I'd consider this a huge feature, not a bug. :-)

Other than this, you should find it quite a straightforward process -
Support on Juniper is more uniformly good than on many other technology
families, and for this we should be grateful to Juniper.

Best wishes
Andy Davidson // www.netsumo.com
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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