On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 02:18:24AM +0800, Mark Tinka wrote:
> We generally try to stay away from anything pre-R3 or R4 
> (depending on the history of R1 and R2). I haven't had a 
> chance to try JUNOS 9.6 or 10.0, but this is mostly 
> influenced by how terrible 9.x has been, and we're done 
> "chasing" JUNOS.

Couldn't agree more. Everything since 8.4 has averaged out to two bugs
added for every one bug fixed. Of course you can't assume that just
because it is an R4 that it will be stable, since any new issues which
come in after that just get moved to being dealt with in future versions
(where there are all new bugs!), and there are no R5's. :)

> Too bad 9.5R4 has been seriously delayed.

Groan. What's the latest on this, last I heard it was supposed to be out 
last week?

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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