Kevin Oberman wrote:
From: Paul Waller <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 06:33:52 +1000

I'm wondering if anybody has seen this issue before.  We have a EX
3200 running JunOS 9.2R2 release.  Everytime the switch looses power
it boots back up OK but no ARP entries are seen.  I haven't had a
chance to see the logs yet but I'm informed this has been happening
for sometime & a 2nd reboot of the switch fixes the problem.

Once I look at the config & get the logs then I might post some more
but I thought I'd just post this question just in cast somebody had
seen this issue before.

This is a known issue with 9.2 and is fixed in newer versions. We hit
the same problem and had to enter static ARP entries.

The problem is fixed in any remotely current release of JunOS for the EX


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