What are you connecting too ? Another Juniper ?

Please send messages from both ends, also configs, and confirm interfaces are UP on each end of the circuit.


On 2/15/10 2:43 AM, Hoogen wrote:
Hi All,

I am having some issues with L2Vpn.. The circuit stays down.. and error
messages don't say much... Appreciate it if someone help out here..

l...@r4# Feb 15 01:44:04.829253 rt_flash_update_callback: flash vpnc-1-l2vpn
(vpnc-1.l2vpn.0) start
Feb 15 01:44:04.829288 Flash call for L2VPN from vpnc-1.L2VPN.0
Feb 15 01:44:04.829300 Label-block (off 1, rng 1, label-base 800000, encaps
4)  add from remote site 2 (RD
Feb 15 01:44:04.829335 task_timer_ucreate: created timer vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site
change  flags<>
Feb 15 01:44:04.829343     New site with site-id 2 configured on remote PE
Feb 15 01:44:04.829350     Remote Site 2 encaps type updated to 4
Feb 15 01:44:04.829359 Site<remote site>  ID 2: Starting timer for change
processing,  change flags 1C, reason: remote adv recv -- RD
Feb 15 01:44:04.829367 task_timer_reset: reset vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site change
Feb 15 01:44:04.829378 task_timer_set_oneshot_latest: timer
vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site change interval set to 0.046218
Feb 15 01:44:04.829385 Flash processing complete for L2VPN from
Feb 15 01:44:04.829401 rt_flash_update_callback: flash vpnc-1-l2vpn
(vpnc-1.l2vpn.0) done
Feb 15 01:44:04.889158 task_timer_dispatch: calling vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site
change, late by 0.013
Feb 15 01:44:04.889166 Handling change processing for remote-site 2:
Feb 15 01:44:04.889172 Starting change processing for remote-site 2: flags
Feb 15 01:44:04.889181     Insert/update vc from local-site c1(1) to
remote-site 2
Feb 15 01:44:04.889186         new vc
Feb 15 01:44:04.889193         Insert/update vc (VPN : vpnc-1, local-site :
1, remote-site : 2)
Feb 15 01:44:04.889224         circuit 0 updated to ge-0/0/2.600
Feb 15 01:44:04.889230         updated circuit 0 to ge-0/0/2.600, status UP
Feb 15 01:44:04.889236         add rti for ifl 300/16
Feb 15 01:44:04.889241         add nhi: ifl ge-0/0/2.600, cw action STRIP
Feb 15 01:44:04.889247        Triggering VC status update timer for intf
Feb 15 01:44:04.889257         Ingress label changed to (800003)
Feb 15 01:44:04.889264         add rti for ifl 0 label 800003 op 0/36
Feb 15 01:44:04.889275         add route with prefix ifl 0 label 800003 op
0/36 and nexthop: ifl ge-0/0/2.600, cw action STRIP
Feb 15 01:44:04.889299         updated ingress-label to 800003
Feb 15 01:44:04.889305         Egress VPN label changed to (800000)
Feb 15 01:44:04.889310         Route to remote PE updated
Feb 15 01:44:04.889321         add nhi: indirect nexthop:, cw
action ADD bw 0bps
Feb 15 01:44:04.889330         add route with prefix ifl 300/16 and indirect
  nexthop:, cw action ADD, bw 0bps
Feb 15 01:44:04.889367 Site change processing done for site<remote site>  ID
2; cancelling running site change processing timer
Feb 15 01:44:04.889375 task_timer_reset: reset vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site change
Feb 15 01:44:04.889380 Handling change processing for remote-site 2 done
Feb 15 01:44:04.889386 task_timer_dispatch: returned from vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site
change, rescheduled in 0
Feb 15 01:44:04.889673 Route flash received from mpls.0 : Flash
Feb 15 01:44:04.889683        Triggering VC status update timer for intf
Feb 15 01:44:06.229230 rt_flash_update_callback: flash vpnc-1-l2vpn
(vpnc-1.l2vpn.0) start
Feb 15 01:44:06.229263 Flash call for L2VPN from vpnc-1.L2VPN.0
Feb 15 01:44:06.229274 Label-block (off 1, rng 1, label-base 800000, encaps
4)  add from remote site 2 (RD
Feb 15 01:44:06.229286 Site<remote site>  ID 2: Starting timer for change
processing,  change flags 18, reason: remote adv recv -- RD
Feb 15 01:44:06.229295 task_timer_reset: reset vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site change
Feb 15 01:44:06.229307 task_timer_set_oneshot_latest: timer
vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site change interval set to 0.046559
Feb 15 01:44:06.229313 Flash processing complete for L2VPN from
Feb 15 01:44:06.229320 rt_flash_update_callback: flash vpnc-1-l2vpn
(vpnc-1.l2vpn.0) done
Feb 15 01:44:06.289041 task_timer_dispatch: calling vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site
change, late by 0.013
Feb 15 01:44:06.289050 Handling change processing for remote-site 2:
Feb 15 01:44:06.289056 Starting change processing for remote-site 2: flags
Feb 15 01:44:06.289082     Insert/update vc from local-site c1(1) to
remote-site 2
Feb 15 01:44:06.289090         Insert/update vc (VPN : vpnc-1, local-site :
1, remote-site : 2)
Feb 15 01:44:06.289095        Triggering VC status update timer for intf
Feb 15 01:44:06.289102 Site change processing done for site<remote site>  ID
2; cancelling running site change processing timer
Feb 15 01:44:06.289108 task_timer_reset: reset vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site change
Feb 15 01:44:06.289113 Handling change processing for remote-site 2 done
Feb 15 01:44:06.289119 task_timer_dispatch: returned from vpnc-1-l2vpn_Site
change, rescheduled in 0
Feb 15 01:44:06.549028 Recomputing the status of the VC for interface :

l...@r4# run show l2vpn connections extensive
Layer-2 VPN connections:

Legend for connection status (St)
EI -- encapsulation invalid      NC -- interface encapsulation not
EM -- encapsulation mismatch     WE -- interface and instance encaps not
VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit down    NP -- interface hardware not present
CM -- control-word mismatch      ->  -- only outbound connection is up
CN -- circuit not provisioned<- -- only inbound connection is up
OR -- out of range               Up -- operational
OL -- no outgoing label          Dn -- down
LD -- local site signaled down   CF -- call admission control failure
RD -- remote site signaled down  SC -- local and remote site ID collision
LN -- local site not designated  LM -- local site ID not minimum designated
RN -- remote site not designated RM -- remote site ID not minimum designated
XX -- unknown connection status  IL -- no incoming label

Legend for interface status
Up -- operational
Dn -- down

Instance: vpnc-1
Local site: c1 (1)
   Number of local interfaces: 1
   Number of local interfaces up: 1
   ge-0/0/2.600    2
       Interface flags: VC-Down
         800002           1         2       100
   status-vector: 80
     connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
*    2                         rmt   VC-Dn  -----                          0
       Local interface: ge-0/0/2.600, Status: Up, Encapsulation: VLAN
       Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
       Incoming label: 800003, Outgoing label: 800000
         Time                  Event                   Interface/Lbl/PE
         Feb 15 01:44:04 2010  PE route changed
         Feb 15 01:44:04 2010  Out lbl Update                    800000
         Feb 15 01:44:04 2010  In lbl Update                     800003
         Feb 15 01:44:04 2010  loc intf up                 ge-0/0/2.600


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