On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 09:47:14AM -0500, David Coulson wrote:
> Is there an alternative method of doing this without having consistent 

On your vlan units, use:

input-vlan-map pop;
output-vlan-map push;

This will strip the vlan tag off the packet before encapsulating it 
across the wire, and re-add a new vlan tag of potentially a different 
value on the other side. This of course requires hardware which supports 
it, i.e. MX, T, M120, M7i/M10i with CFEB-E, or I believe even SFP based 
GE PICs on FPC-E on first generation routers will work. What definitely 
won't work are the original fixed-optics SX, LX, or LH PICs.

Also in my experience it was actually much less of a hassle to use CCC
than to do local-switching on a l2circuit, especially if you're trying
to automate the deployment of the circuits (l2circuit local switching
has a really weird and config hierarchy). It's also simpler for the
router to run CCC for local switching.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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