On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 10:03:13AM -0500, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> * In a move straight out of Foundry's playbook of how to fail at making
> a useable product, EX has no packet counters (cli or snmp) available for
> L3 vlan interfaces. It DOES have working counters if you do traditional 
> Juniper subinterface style vlans (interface blah, vlan-tagging, unit 123 
> vlan-id 123), but it does NOT work if you have to do RVI style (vlan 
> blah l3-interface vlan.123 and then put vlan blah in an ethernet 
> switching interface). Subinterface style is my preference anyways, so as 
> long as you only ever use vlans on point-to-point links this isn't a 
> problem, but the instant you need to put a VLAN on more than one port 
> you no longer get packet counters.

I suppose you can use good old "hairpin cable" trick to have both 
egress policers (converted to ingress ones on "switched" side of 
hairpin) and counters on Vlan's (actually on subinterfaces on "routed" side). 
Not checked with ex-82xx, but it works for ex-[34]200.

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