On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 06:41:05PM +0800, Mark Tinka wrote:
> On Saturday 01 May 2010 04:01:38 am Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> > chassisd[1305]: %DAEMON-3-UI_CONFIGURATION_ERROR:
> >  Process: chassisd, path: [edit groups BASE-FORWARDING
> >  forwarding-options hash-key family], statement: inet6,
> >  Could not retrieve the route-accounting setting
> We've been getting this error for a while now (well, we've 
> seen it since JUNOS 9.3R2.8), although if you're still seeing 
> it now, it's possible it could have appeared much earlier.

Hrm odd, the first we saw it was in 9.6S5, didn't see it in any previous 
version. Juniper said it was a cosmetic issue and the PR was fixed in 
9.6R4, which doesn't sound like it should be related to a 9.3 issue. But 
who knows.

> One of the reasons I'm wary about buying an MX80 now, given
> that it requires the JUNOS 10.x family of code, which still
> appears moody, for all intents and purposes - but what can
> you do?

Until trio cards start getting deployed, there is pretty much no reason
why any sensible network would be running 10.x on an MX today. The code
clearly isn't getting enough exposure to complex environments, as proved
by the number of serious issues still found in an R3 release. Honestly
this 10.0R3 experience is probably going to slow our rollout plans for
MX80 and MPCs, I don't want to even imagine how bad 10.2R1 is going to
be at this rate. :)

Probably the best thing that can happen here is some very large accounts
buy trio cards for their MXs, are forced to run new code to support
them, hit every one of these bugs, and scream bloody murder about it.
But hey I can think of at least a few large networks who are currently
*VERY* backordered on ports because they're waiting for trio cards, so
this has at least a fighting chance of happening. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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